Friday 16 January 2015

BCG vaccine

I was really dreading this vaccine. As a pro-vaccer though, I knew the importance of getting it; even if we don't stay here forever. I didn't want the stamp pad scar for Pi though, and so while we were home in Australia in December, I looked into getting the shot there. It is a single jab needle (though, it still blisters and scars), but as it is not a routine vaccination, they had to make some calls and I would need to be booked in (and charged to do it) at a hospital.

In the end we figured that if he was going to be scarred anyway, that we would get it done in Japan where they are used to administering the shots.

Today, off we went to the docs to have it done.
 His arm was swabbed with extra gusto this time, then a thin layer of (what looked like paste) was spread on. Then a stamp (the size of a regular ink stamp- like the ones they use in schools to say "good job" or "awesome") with nine pins was pushed into his arm.... twice.

On the first jab, he was pretty cool with it. The second time he wasn't happy though and started screaming/crying.

The doctor then brought out a hairdryer and dried the site for a minute or two, then swabbed it again, and dried it again for what felt like about 5 minutes. By this stage the dryer had distracted him nicely, but he wanted to be cuddled by me so I awkwardly wrapped my arms around him while Husband was holding him and the doctor was drying.

It wasn't nearly as bad as we were dreading. The site will blister in about a month, but apparently baths are okay, and not to be worried about the blisters.

The good news is, he is all vaxed up. But poor little man....

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