Monday 3 February 2014

3rd trimester baby. 3rd trimester, Baby! (week 28)

Yay. I am in the third trimester- Finally. Though, the classification of which week officially starts the third trimester varies from site to site. Though most agree it is week 27, or 28. Week 28 also puts me at month 8 of pregnancy in Japan. It sounds so impressive, hey.

Little Pi-chan is going well. I have another appointment on Wednesday, and I have a feeling that after this appointment, I will be going to bi-weekly appointments. Lots of hiccups these days, almost more than kicks and movements. It must be starting to be getting a little crowded in there, as there are less jabs, but more turning sensations.

As for the gruelling back pain that I had last week, I am happy to say that it has mostly subsided. I did lots of research on the topic, and read that 8 out of 10 women find immediate relief after wearing a back brace. Needless to say, with the amount of pain I was still in, I high tailed it to the nearest drugstore (which is also only 300mtrs away) and bought a brace. The relief wasn't quite immediate, but after a little bit, it did subside to a dull ache for a day or two, and then for another day or two the pain came back only if I didn't wear it. Which means, that up until 2 days ago, I had the brace on for about 20 hours a day. I was a little worried I might do some damage, so I tried to have times where I didn't use it. But mainly I think the hip joint became badly inflamed, so wearing the brace helped to take the pressure off.

Lately I have been working on some nursery decorations. There is a really cute little fox I have seen on the net, so I am trying to draw something similar to make a border pattern, and then make butterflies to put flying up the wall. Something to make it a little more baby like, instead of just a room with baby stuff in it. I look forward to having little Pichan in there. Not long, now- about 12 weeks. Yay!

Week: 28
Baby bump: I didn't think I have grown that much, but as my coat failed to button up the other day, maybe I have.
Movement: Lots of hiccups (about 3 times a day- that I notice) and a bit of turning.
Complaints: When I walk I get terrible stitch-like pains over my belly. Luckily, I have a little indoor step machine that is almost no impact, and doesn't seem to cause me the same pains.
Maternity clothes/Baby purchases: Nothing new this week.

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