Tuesday 4 February 2014

28 week appointment and Flu shot

There was lots of snow here last night, so I spent a good few minutes brushing the snow/ice off the car before going to today's early morning appointment. All the usual so far, blood pressure, pee, weight...

I am very happy to report that I have only gain 950gms in the last 3 weeks. Yay! All that healthy eating and exercise are paying off. Don't get me wrong. I am not starving myself. I am just cutting out the chocolates and doughnuts, and exercising more (or, at all), so I am doing the right things by Pichan in my mind.

I had the non English speaking doctor- or whether or not he speaks English, I don't know. We just speak in Japanese. Technically, he should speak English as no matter what degree one is studying in Japan (even arts) one still needs to pass an English test- or so I have heard. My Japanese friend (who has had a baby) also told me that Japanese doctors also need to learn the English names for things (organs, etc). But as I am in Japan, and have been doing okay, I figure it is best to speak Japanese where I can. It has made me realise that I might not get the doctor I want for delivery. Though, I am starting to let go of the idea of a perfect birth more and more, and as long as Pichan and I come out safely, that is the most important thing.

Pichan is 1300gms this week. Wow! No wonder Pi is feeling heavier. The average baby weight is a little over a kilo at this time, so still a little heavier, but the doctor said there isn't a problem. I received some more head shots of Pi, but not in 3D. I am starting to think that I might need to book in for the Angel memory thing, I think it is only 1500yen, which is quite reasonable (I think).

I asked the doctor about the physiotherapist.to which he was a shade surprised. He said to buy a belt and the would help. I told him I did and it gradually got better. And he said that was fine. Obviously prenatal physio is not something that they do over here. Good to know, and no wonder I didn't find anything through a Japanese google search.

I also asked about the flu shot, with the epidemic going around in the US, I thought it best to be prepared. I also read that getting a flu shot while pregnant, can protect the baby for 6 months after she/he is born. The do them at the clinic, so all I had to do was speak to the receptionist. It was 4800yen, so a bit pricey, but everything with a baby seems to be, so I can't complain too much. It hurt like buggery when the fluid was going in, but was over and done with in 30seconds. So I had my teaspoon of cement and hardened up. The harder thing was the questionnaire. Luckily, the receptionist came and sat down with me and very patiently read out all the questions, and then waited while I looked up words in the dictionary (like liver, kidney). The strangest question was if I have any reactions of eating chicken or eggs. There was a bit of pantomime for a while too, like when I didn't know the word for asthma. We got there though.

At least now I am vaccinated, not too heavy and got to see little Pi again. :D

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