Sunday 23 February 2014

31 Weeks

We have been buying lots of baby stuff again, and just about have everything now. We purchased our crib on-line (, along with the crib mattress (the mattress was so much cheaper than babies-r-us). I am about to look today for sheets at Nishimastuya- which is another baby store over here- and I hear they have cheaper things. I am also about to place a final order on-line from Amazon in the states for a few things that are cheaper (or safer), like breast milk bags, and pacifiers.

Pichan is doing well. Getting much stronger now, so the kicks are really starting to just out. It is really fin to watch. Unfortunately, lower back pain has made a bit of an appearance again, but I will start wearing my brace and using my heat pad again and hopefully that will all end. I am peeing a lot more now, sometimes really annoyingly. I'll go 3 times within 30 minutes, and then other times it might be hours. Standing up has a lot to do with it though, so it is probably just Pi's head. I am starting to realise I have no idea what I am doing about this birth stuff too, but have ordered a few books on-line from the, and hopefully that will help.

I also have no idea about the clinic- what to bring/what the rooms look like, etc. I am hoping that they ask soon, if not- thankfully- I have a student that goes to the same clinic so I might hit her up this weekend after class.

Week: 31
Baby bump: Getting bigger still
Movement: Hiccups, rolling, kicking, Braxton Hicks.
Complaints: Back pain is back, as are pains if I walk to fast. Now I am one of those slow moving people
Maternity clothes/Baby purchases:  A high crib, baby monitor, mattress, belt to lash the crib to the bed, baby clothes washing detergent, and a nappy bin- all from

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