Tuesday 18 February 2014

30 week appointment.

Another appointment down, with only so many to go. I am lucky that my clinic has a really nice feel about it. The reception staff and nurses are really nice, and even though I haven't been seeing my original doctor, the other one is fine (I figure the first one does the 1-20 weeks, and the second does 20-40 weeks, or something like that). Like most comments you get with Japanese doctors is that they are a bit: in- your done- time to get out, but at least not in a rude way at my clinic. The have changed the rooms a little bit too, and now there is a giant TV at the foot of the bed when the ultrasounds are done so you can see the progress.

Pi chan is 1500gms this week, so about 100gms above average. My weight gain is about bang on track too, at exactly 1kg over the last 2 weeks. Mind you, if I keep gaining at the same rate, it will put me a little over my target gain of 12kgs, but I think it is better to have a healthy baby, rather than diet and deprive Pichan.

The only other difference today was a blood test. Yuck. Thankfully the nurses are very quick, and they really don't take very much at all (not that I look, but it is over and done with very quickly). The cost of today's visit was 2700 (with the 3000yen voucher discount already deducted), so today's blood test must have only been about 1700yen. Not too bad, really. I have no idea what they were for over here. In the west, a blood test around week 28 is "to recheck haemoglobin and iron stores and that you haven't developed any rhesus antibodies". Hopefully all comes back well. I have been taking my prenatals everyday so hopefully my iron should be fine. 

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