Thursday 16 January 2014

The 10 month pregnancy.

I love shocking my students, telling them that in western countries we are pregnant for 9 months. Most are baffled. I have had one student who figured 'I suppose because western babies are bigger, they can't stay in there as long'. (I quite like that reasoning). Until I tell them that we count calender months, which usually have a few spare days at the end (eg, 31), whereas in Japan they count lunar months, which is a round 28. By the time you add all the extra days it roughly gives one an extra lunar month. No matter what though, it is agreed that we are pregnant for 40 weeks, regardless of how to count. Here's how it kind of goes...

Western Countries Japan
Month 1 (Week 0) Month 0 Week 0
Week 1 Week 1
Week 2 Week 2
Week 3 Week 3
Week 4 Month 1 Week 4
Month 2 Week 5 Week 5
Week 6 Week 6
Week 7 Week 7
Week 8 Month 2 Week 8
Month 3 Week 9 Week 9
Week 10 Week 10
Week 11 Week 11
Week 12 Month 3 Week 12
Week 13 Week 13
Month 4 Week 14 Week 14
Week 15 Week 15
Week 16 Month 5 Week 16
Week 17 Week 17
Month 5 Week 18 Week 18
Week 19 Week 19
Week 20 Month 6 Week 20
Week 21 Week 21
Month 6 Week 22 Week 22
Week 23 Week 23
Week 24 Month 7 Week 24
Week 25 Week 25
Week 26 Week 26
Month 7 Week 27 Week 27
Week 28 Month 8 Week 28
Week 29 Week 29
Week 30 Week 30
Month 8 Week 31 Week 31
Week 32 Month 9 Week 32
Week 33 Week 33
Week 34 Week 34
Week 35 Week 35
Month 9 Week 36 Month 10 Week 36
Week 37 Week 37
Week 38 Week 38
Week 39 Week 39
Week 40 Week 40

Depending on which baby book you read, western months vary. You can see that Japan is a lot easier, and nice a uniform. I don't know why the west doesn't just convert over- that way all baby books and internet sources can be the same. I have been telling people in Japan my months using the Japanese system. Not only does it sound like I am further along, but it saves confusion.

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