Sunday 26 January 2014

Ouch!- Week 27

Actually, ouch is a bit of an understatement. As I enter into week 27, I have been experiencing absolutely horrible back/hip pain. So bad, I can barely sleep.

I have been doing a lot of reading on the subject, and it looks like it might be Pelvic Girdle Pain (PGP). Sciatica is incredible rare, and the pain shoots down my thighs, but not past my knees. It has only been going on for the last 4 days, but it is unbelievably painful. I have been trying to avoid Tylenol for Pi-chans sake when ever I have had a headache or a bit of a back ache. But have been hitting them hard now, and they barely work. It looks like it is a problem that a physiotherapist can help with, but so far I can't find one that deals with pregnant women (which is apparently what you want). At my next appointment I will ask my doctor if he knows of one, but if this pain keeps up over the next week, I might have to give him a call just to get some relief. Ouchies!

It's funny reading about it though. Here are the things that make it worse: Sitting, standing, lying down, exercising too much, not exercising enough... So basically, anything. I've read online that sitting on fitballs can help, and those maternity belts can too (though, sometimes they make it worse).

Well, enough of complaining. The good news is, at 27 weeks a baby's lungs can function in the outside world :D.

Week: 27
Baby bump: Still the same as last week, I think.
Movement: Kicking and punching a lot. Sometimes enough to jolt me. Hiccups quite a few times too, and Husband has felt them.
Complaints: The pain... Argh, the pain!!!
Maternity clothes/Baby purchases: 265 newborn diapers (that should last about 22days, we have worked out) a chest of drawers, curtains for Pi's room, lots of little towels, bath towels and bibs and some not quite onesies (as we know it), and cute little baby socks. Now I am on a mission for buying lots of online things....

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