Wednesday 22 January 2014

26 weeks

It's strange how much ones body changes in pregnancy, and sometimes in unusual ways. Both myself and my husband agree that the smell of my skin keeps changing. Obviously all these different chemicals must be strong if they are strong enough to grow a baby; but surprising still.

Had another doctors appointment last Wednesday. At 25weeks, Pi-chan is 800gms. Megababy (about 200gms more than the average). I was a bit worried, but the doctor wasn't concerned (this was a different doctor from last time). I also spoke to the mother of my youngest student T-chan (who was 3 months when I started teaching her), and she said that when T-chan was 25weeks, she was 700gms, which made me feel much better.

My stomach isn't growing too quickly though, for which I am thankful. Though, it does make me look a bit more like someone who overindulged way too much over Xmas, instead of someone who is 26 weeks pregnant. Still, I figure that less stretching = less stretch marks and stretched muscles. As long as Pi is growing well, it is all that counts. I am still gaining weight like crazy though, even though I have been exercising more and watching what I eat. Luckily the doctor didn't say anything about my weight gain, and I am hoping that it plateaus off soon.

Meanwhile, I think I felt Pichan hiccup. It's a constant little tap, tap, tap. Quite cute (^-^). Lots of kicking these days, and I am very happy to be feeling it. It's terrible when Pi goes quiet.

Week: 26
Baby bump: About the same as last week, I think. Maybe getting a bit more porky, than bumpy though.
Movement: Kicking and punching a lot, and maybe hiccups.
Complaints: Starting to move a lot slower. Pins and needles easily when I sit on the floor, and I get up to pee at least twice these nights. Le sigh...
Maternity clothes/Baby purchases: Nothing new...

getting squishy in there :)

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