Monday 27 January 2014

Buying for Baby

Though a part of me still feels like it is a little early, with the third trimester starting next week (or this week, depending on the baby book), we thought it was time for shopping. I have been compiling various lists from the internet and this is what I have come up with... It is HUGE!!!!

Because of the cost of some things here, and things not being available (or not quite sure if they are chemical free like in other countries) I have decided to buy things from heaps of different places. We went to babies'r'us in Japan and start the shop on the weekend. I would suggest you get the point card. There is a bag of sample that I received as well as a few discount tickets. Plus, it is Japan so the points always end up buying something. We finally have curtains now too, so the spare room looks more like a room, than a junk room.

I will put in red where I bought/intend to buy it. The major stores are:

Babies r us (in Japan) (also, look for similar items on Rakuten)
TBA- To be advised. Still looking/deciding an international drugstore online baby store in Japan
Nitori- a furniture store in Japan

  • 1 pack T-shirts Babies r us
  • 6 one-piece outfits that snap at the crotch (long- and shortsleeved) Babies r us,
  • 4 pajama sets
  • 6 pairs socks Babies r us,
  • 2 pairs soft booties Babies r us,
  • 2 pairs stretch cotton leggings
  • 3 bibs Babies r us
  • Cotton sweater
  • Knit cap Babies r us,
  • Zip-up sweatshirt
  • 15 baby hangers Nitori

Diapers:  Babies r us, - We have bought a big box of something like 264 in the newborn size. I want to buy cloth nappies though, and will let you know if I do. At the moment I am looking at the softbums omni diaper.
Wipes: Babies r us
Changing pad or table:  amazon. Could not find anything other than the flat mats in Japan. So will import a thick, curved changed pad from the US to attach to the top of the dresser. 
Diaper rash ointment I herb
Dirty diaper receptacle Babies r us

Baby gear
Baby carrier:
Car seat:
Glider/rocking chair and footrest
Dresser Nitori
Cool mist humidifier or vaporizer Yamada Denki

Breastfeeding and bottle-feeding

Nursing/feeding pillow:
Lanolin ointment
hot/cold gel packs TBA
Burp cloths (6 to 12):  Babies r us
Nursing bras Babies r us
Nursing Pads Babies r us
Bottles (6 to 12):   BPA- and phthalate-free
Bottle brushes (2):
Breast milk bags: Babies r us
Bibs (3 to 5): Babies r us
breastfeeding cover blanket

Baby soothers, toys, and entertainment

Pacifiers: TBA- may not get one
Bouncy/rocking seat:
Play mat/gym: Babies r us
Toys:  have a few rattles, musical toys, and soft toys at the ready Babies r us


Crib and mattress:  TBA
Bedding:  three to five fitted crib sheets and perhaps a waterproof crib mattress pad.  TBA
  • 4 receiving blankets
  • 2 cotton blankets TBA
  • Cradle or bassinet with cotton sheets TBA
  • 2 waterproof liners (one for the bassinet and one for the crib) TBA
Swaddling blankets (3):
Baby monitors:

           3 hooded towels- Babies r us
  • 2 packs of washcloths Babies r us
  • Cotton swabs Babies r us
  • Baby shampoo Babies r us
  • Baby body wash Babies r us
  • Infant bathing tub
  • Baby nail clipper Babies r us
  • Soft brush and comb Babies r us
  • Rubbing alcohol TBA
  • Petroleum jelly- already have
  • Bulb nasal aspirator- Babies r us
  • Mild soap for laundry- TBA

Sunday 26 January 2014

Ouch!- Week 27

Actually, ouch is a bit of an understatement. As I enter into week 27, I have been experiencing absolutely horrible back/hip pain. So bad, I can barely sleep.

I have been doing a lot of reading on the subject, and it looks like it might be Pelvic Girdle Pain (PGP). Sciatica is incredible rare, and the pain shoots down my thighs, but not past my knees. It has only been going on for the last 4 days, but it is unbelievably painful. I have been trying to avoid Tylenol for Pi-chans sake when ever I have had a headache or a bit of a back ache. But have been hitting them hard now, and they barely work. It looks like it is a problem that a physiotherapist can help with, but so far I can't find one that deals with pregnant women (which is apparently what you want). At my next appointment I will ask my doctor if he knows of one, but if this pain keeps up over the next week, I might have to give him a call just to get some relief. Ouchies!

It's funny reading about it though. Here are the things that make it worse: Sitting, standing, lying down, exercising too much, not exercising enough... So basically, anything. I've read online that sitting on fitballs can help, and those maternity belts can too (though, sometimes they make it worse).

Well, enough of complaining. The good news is, at 27 weeks a baby's lungs can function in the outside world :D.

Week: 27
Baby bump: Still the same as last week, I think.
Movement: Kicking and punching a lot. Sometimes enough to jolt me. Hiccups quite a few times too, and Husband has felt them.
Complaints: The pain... Argh, the pain!!!
Maternity clothes/Baby purchases: 265 newborn diapers (that should last about 22days, we have worked out) a chest of drawers, curtains for Pi's room, lots of little towels, bath towels and bibs and some not quite onesies (as we know it), and cute little baby socks. Now I am on a mission for buying lots of online things....

Wednesday 22 January 2014

26 weeks

It's strange how much ones body changes in pregnancy, and sometimes in unusual ways. Both myself and my husband agree that the smell of my skin keeps changing. Obviously all these different chemicals must be strong if they are strong enough to grow a baby; but surprising still.

Had another doctors appointment last Wednesday. At 25weeks, Pi-chan is 800gms. Megababy (about 200gms more than the average). I was a bit worried, but the doctor wasn't concerned (this was a different doctor from last time). I also spoke to the mother of my youngest student T-chan (who was 3 months when I started teaching her), and she said that when T-chan was 25weeks, she was 700gms, which made me feel much better.

My stomach isn't growing too quickly though, for which I am thankful. Though, it does make me look a bit more like someone who overindulged way too much over Xmas, instead of someone who is 26 weeks pregnant. Still, I figure that less stretching = less stretch marks and stretched muscles. As long as Pi is growing well, it is all that counts. I am still gaining weight like crazy though, even though I have been exercising more and watching what I eat. Luckily the doctor didn't say anything about my weight gain, and I am hoping that it plateaus off soon.

Meanwhile, I think I felt Pichan hiccup. It's a constant little tap, tap, tap. Quite cute (^-^). Lots of kicking these days, and I am very happy to be feeling it. It's terrible when Pi goes quiet.

Week: 26
Baby bump: About the same as last week, I think. Maybe getting a bit more porky, than bumpy though.
Movement: Kicking and punching a lot, and maybe hiccups.
Complaints: Starting to move a lot slower. Pins and needles easily when I sit on the floor, and I get up to pee at least twice these nights. Le sigh...
Maternity clothes/Baby purchases: Nothing new...

getting squishy in there :)

Thursday 16 January 2014

The 10 month pregnancy.

I love shocking my students, telling them that in western countries we are pregnant for 9 months. Most are baffled. I have had one student who figured 'I suppose because western babies are bigger, they can't stay in there as long'. (I quite like that reasoning). Until I tell them that we count calender months, which usually have a few spare days at the end (eg, 31), whereas in Japan they count lunar months, which is a round 28. By the time you add all the extra days it roughly gives one an extra lunar month. No matter what though, it is agreed that we are pregnant for 40 weeks, regardless of how to count. Here's how it kind of goes...

Western Countries Japan
Month 1 (Week 0) Month 0 Week 0
Week 1 Week 1
Week 2 Week 2
Week 3 Week 3
Week 4 Month 1 Week 4
Month 2 Week 5 Week 5
Week 6 Week 6
Week 7 Week 7
Week 8 Month 2 Week 8
Month 3 Week 9 Week 9
Week 10 Week 10
Week 11 Week 11
Week 12 Month 3 Week 12
Week 13 Week 13
Month 4 Week 14 Week 14
Week 15 Week 15
Week 16 Month 5 Week 16
Week 17 Week 17
Month 5 Week 18 Week 18
Week 19 Week 19
Week 20 Month 6 Week 20
Week 21 Week 21
Month 6 Week 22 Week 22
Week 23 Week 23
Week 24 Month 7 Week 24
Week 25 Week 25
Week 26 Week 26
Month 7 Week 27 Week 27
Week 28 Month 8 Week 28
Week 29 Week 29
Week 30 Week 30
Month 8 Week 31 Week 31
Week 32 Month 9 Week 32
Week 33 Week 33
Week 34 Week 34
Week 35 Week 35
Month 9 Week 36 Month 10 Week 36
Week 37 Week 37
Week 38 Week 38
Week 39 Week 39
Week 40 Week 40

Depending on which baby book you read, western months vary. You can see that Japan is a lot easier, and nice a uniform. I don't know why the west doesn't just convert over- that way all baby books and internet sources can be the same. I have been telling people in Japan my months using the Japanese system. Not only does it sound like I am further along, but it saves confusion.

Monday 13 January 2014

Week 25

One of the most wonderful things about having the baby kicking all the time, also leads to a scary thing; when the baby stops kicking, or at least, not quite as much.

Last night I spent a good two hours trying to feel for a bit of movement, after not noticing Pi-chan at all during the day. It usually wouldn't have been a thing, expect Pi has been kicking like crazy the last few days, and now to suddenly stop has me a little worried. I read in the baby books that this happens. Some days the baby loves to jump about, and others they do nothing. I am hoping we are just on a rest day or two, but luckily I have an appointment tomorrow, anyway.

25 weeks is getting closer and closer to the big due date- I am about 3 weeks off the third trimester now. Yesterday, Husband and I went to babies r us to look for prams, car seats and the high low chairs that they have over here (kind of like an automatic rocking bed/change table/high chair). The car seat was pretty easy to select, not that we have purchased it yet. The pram (or babycar, as they call them here) is a bit more difficult. As soon as we had decided on the one (which also happened to be one of the most expensive), I am now having second thoughts. Will I really be using a pram that often to justify spending that amount of money on it. Prams really aren't used in Japan. The majority wears their baby over here, and when at a shopping centre, you can borrow prams for when you get tired of carting everything around. At the moment, the only things I can see me using the pram for, is for walks around the neighbourhood and the occasional picnic. So, if I am using the thing infrequently, shouldn't I just go for a basic model? 'Tis a pickle.

On the plus side- we bought our Ergo baby carrier with infant insert. This site is super cheap (much cheaper than the stores)  It is in Japanese though. But we picked up the carrier and insert for 10800Yen. Very cheap. It is also our first purchase for little Pi-chan. :D

Week: 25
Baby bump: About the same as last week.
Movement: Kicking and punching a lot, except for the last few days. I am trying not to freak out...
Complaints: I get a stitch every time I walk a long distance. Now that I am actually exercising (lightly) again, it gets quite painful.
Maternity clothes: Still the same. I do love my maternity jeans, and wish I would have bought pants for work (it is a bit pointless now, as by the time they arrive, I would have almost finished work). Most of my business shirts have gone into retirement.

Saturday 4 January 2014

Weeks 23 and 24

Yay, we made it to 24 weeks. It makes me happy and is a bit of a pregnancy milestone- like so many other weeks though, I suppose. I was just thinking this morning how far away all that morning sickness is. I can barely remember them now, which maybe what some people feel about labour- at the time, a horrible, painful experience, but 1 year down the track it makes people still think about more kids. I was thinking of all the little things I don't miss- like that horrible taste in my mouth, or needing to nap three times a day. Mind you, I would still love a nap- even right now it seems appealing. 

Baby is really kicking these days. Usually I feel Pi every couple hours or so, sometimes more, sometimes less. I suppose it depends on what I am doing. My belly is really growing, and depending on how big a meal I have eaten, I can look quite pregnant- though no where near as big as others. I find myself doing the belly rubbing thing that you see most pregnant mothers do. I always wondered why they did it, but it kind of is a bit of an reaction thing, and it feels comforting. Rub, rub, rub.

I have been so lucky with friends and students over here, in that I have received lots of lucky safe birth charms that people get from temples. It's nice that people have been going out of their way to think, pray to whatever god it is, and buy a little pouch. I have about 4 these days, so hopefully that equals a very safe birth. 

Because I left a lot of my classes in the last week of December, I was also really spoilt with gifts, and have received baby rattles, blankets, flowers, special pregnancy tea and lots more from students/their parents. They have been so lovely, and I am really sad to leave a lot of my classes, but it is better for the school so they can save some money, and now I am kind of looking forward to the part time hours. It makes the next twelve weeks of school more enjoyable, and less chance of me getting sick, with fewer students and fewer kids classes. 

I had my appointment the other Saturday, while mum and dad were in Japan. It was so nice the both they and my husband were able to come into the ultrasound. I had a different doctor (as I usually go on Wednesdays), and straight away (in Japanese) he said "eat too much". I (for some reason) thought that he was talking about the baby, so I just smiled and said 'really?".  The lack of subjects and use of pronouns is really confusing sometimes... Then, at the end of the appointment he said it again, and I worked out he was talking about me. Gah! I was expecting it. I have been gaining weight like a fat kid at Christmas- though it is Christmas. I can see why it was probably a little worrying for him. From my pre-pregnancy weight, I have gained about 5 kilos, (at week 22-23), but about 7kgs or so including the weight loss from when I was morning sick. By western standards, it isn't that bad, but as Japanese doctors don't want women to gain any more than about 8kgs, I can see why he is worried. I think I am aiming for a 12kg weight gain overall. Which means no more saying about exercise and healthy eating, and a lot more doing (in my defence, I always put on a few kilos over Christmas- especially while travelling with the parents). Ganbarimasu!

Pi's sex was confirmed again, which is great, and the other awesome thing: while the doctor was doing the ultrasound, he flicked a button on the computer and Bammo- 3D baby. It was so nice to see Pi-chan as a baby looking thing, instead of just the black shape of bits. Pi was moving hands a little bit too. Very cute, and my parents were thrilled. He gave me a few 3D photos too. :D

Week: 24
Baby bump: Growing well. Thankfully no lines or anything yet.
Movement: Kicking and punching a lot. Yay
Complaints: Nope. I am really unfit though.
Maternity clothes: My package arrived and I have since lived in my maternity jeans. They are wonderful! Everyone needs a pair (though they do slip down a fair bit). I have a few wrap tops, tops sweaters and a tunic now too. The trick will be seeing what I can/can't wear to work...