Monday 6 October 2014

Sleep training training progress

It has been well over a week now that I have been 'training' for sleep training. My personal attitude to being a mother is to take a nurturing approach, and keeping telling myself that the difficulties wont last forever. So this training for training approach that I have been taking is gentle, but yet working nicely for me and Pi.

Basically, I just lie down next to him, trying not to touch him if possible, but if he needs my touch I don't withhold it. I pat either him or the mattress (he seems to prefer it when I touch the mattress though), and either shhh or sing twinkle twinkle. The aim of the game is for him to learn to settle himself, and most of the time he has been doing it beautifully. He does do his little 'mantra' cry for a bit, and often needs to touch me somehow, but then sucks his thumb or fingers and then goes to sleep in his crib.

Still only for 30 mins though.

His night sleeps are getting much better too. He goes down VERY easily most of the time. Within 5 mins of me laying him down on the mattress. It's so lovely. For a while he has only been waking up 3 times a night, but the last night or two it has been four. Though he does do a 5 hours stretch at the start of the night.

The reason he is getting a little bit tricky for sleeping at night, and also for naps, is he is going through another wonderweek- again! This one is shorter though, and should be over in 3 weeks, max. Until then, I will keep going and hope I am creating some good habits.

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