Tuesday 7 October 2014

Jackhammering and babies

There is a beautiful family shrine next to our terrace house. It's nice to look at, and doesn't creep me out like I thought it might. A few weeks ago, our landlord died (and now the rent goes to his son) and his name was added to the plaque.

From yesterday, though, they have begun a total overhaul of the site. It's been interesting in a way, for example I now know that there are actually people buried there (They were placing mostly burnt, but not quite cremated bones). They even had a priest come last weekend to do something with the site. At first, we thought bless it, but maybe he was trying to appease the spirits and apologise in advance for messing with their resting place.

Unfortunately, for little Pi. It has meant jackhammers and circular saws for the last two days. Anyone following will know how precious the little sleep is that he actually gets, let alone when you also place in rock thrown into the back of trucks and constant hammering. Looks like we will be going out again today...

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