Friday 4 July 2014

Baby milestones 1-6 months

Little Pi is growing fast. He is getting so heavy these days that my arm often hurts at the end of the day. I really love his chubby little face
He is getting stronger, unfortunately he is one of those babies who doesn't like tummy time, which means he doesn't get the neck strengthening practice that he should. I try and give him a bit of tummy time of me and on his mat, but he only tolerates it for a few minutes.
He smiles a lot though and it is so nice to see him look at you and give a huge smile. He knows who we are and it is an amazing feeling. Below is a bit of a list of the things that babies should be able to do, month by month. Pi seems to be an average learner- which is fine for me. To me, I am happiest that his gas troubles are mostly behind us... Yay!

Mastered Skills (most children can do)Emerging Skills (half of children can do)Advanced Skills (a few children can do)
Child's Age : One month
  • Smiles
  • Laughs
  • Holds head at 45-degree angle
Child's Age : Two months
  • Vocalises sounds - gurgling and cooing
  • Follows objects
  • Holds head up for short periods
Child's Age : Three months
  • Squeals, gurgles, coos
  • Recognises your voice
  • Does mini-pushups
  • Turns towards loud sounds
  • Can bring hands together and may bat at toys
  • Can roll over
Child's Age : Four months
  • Can grasp a toy
  • Reaches out for objects
  • Can roll over
Child's Age : Five months
  • May sit momentarily without support
  • Mouths objects
  • Stranger anxiety may begin
Child's Age : Six months
  • Turns towards sounds and voices
  • Imitates sounds, blows bubbles
  • Rolls in both directions
  • May lunge forward or start crawling
  • May jabber or combine syllables
  • May drag object towards himself

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