He has finally hit six months, which means that we have finally started solids. We actually gave him a little taster two weekends ago, of rice cereal because we knew he would have a taste of something at the baby food making class I went to (cooking class); and Husband wanted to give him his first food. I also wanted him to, as I feel bad over him missing of so many of Pichan's firsts.
The great news is that Pichan relished it! He loved his food and his little legs kicked away with excitement. We bought rice cereal off of I-herb (click here for a discount off your first order*). I chose this one because of the added DHA and probiotics, and it's a brand I know. Pi quite likes it, as much as he likes anything else we have fed him, anyway. So far, we have given him sweet potato, both as purée and chunks (he didn't mind it) and puréed broccoli (I think the jury is still out on that one)

I had been saving the new foods to try for the weekend, so Husband can give them to Pi, but my Japanese teacher was telling me her daughter feeds her son new foods on a weekday- so that if there are any allergic reactions the hospitals will be open. Good thinking! I have been careful to not feed new foods to late in the day in order to watch for reactions, but I wasn't even thinking that hospitals might be closed (and they really can be). Now we will be giving Pi new foods only during hospital/doctor hours, but we hope he doesn't have any bad reactions.
Happy Hantoshi!

*First-time customers will save $10 on purchases of $40 or more, or $5 if the order is less than $40. Depending upon the total of the order, they may receive discounted or free shipping as well.
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