So I arrived nice and early andafter filling out a form all about Pi and how he was feeling for the day, Pi started to cry. One of the ladies picked him up to settle him, and after my form was finished and Pi was still crying (no surprise) I went to take him. Nope. I mean that in the nicest possible way, but after the woman said not to worry, I realised that I was to leave him while I did the class in the next room. There were about 6 volunteers to take care of the babies while us ladies learned how to cook. But, Pi, being Pi and a bit of a sensitive baby really wasn't happy to not be around him mum. I went into the 'kitchen' and listened to his little cry, but they assured me they were professionals and I figured that Pi needs to learn at some stage to be without me for an hour or two at a time. Unfortunately he cried for quite a while, which means I was on the edge of my seat listening and waiting for a break in the talk for me to check. Luckily he stopped crying eventually, and when I stuck my head back in the room to check he was okay, he was happily playing with toys. I think I spoil him too much..
The class itself was interesting. We made pangaiyu (or something like that), which is boiled white bread in milk. Learned how to chop spinach, leaned how to make okayu (boiled, watery rice) and learned which consistency to make baby food for each month. They like to add 'dashi' to food when they mash it (like carrots), which I found kind of gross. Carroty fish- yum... We did boil a little bit of fish with potato starch too. I think Pi would have like it. We tried each of the dishes, and it really made me aware of just how western my tastebuds are. I really am not into boiled fish, or soggy bread... Just me though.
Once again I was super proud of my little man. He was so tired, and wouldn't nap, but still kicking away happily. He is also very physically developed compared to some of the placid babies, though, not as chubby. I think his genes is keeping him lean, and all that moving he constantly does. At the end of the class, we fed our babies a bit of the 'okayu' water, which Pi gobbled down like a champ. It was nice for him to try it, though I don't think I will be making okayu myself. Too much work, for what seems like little nutritional value.
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