Though, weeks after Pi was born went by and nothing- not a spit up, not even a little. Mind you, our baby hasn't been burping either.
Over the last week and a bit, he has been gradually spitting up more and more (and I think his gas is getting better too). Though, last night and today, the spit up has been so crazy that I had to look up the difference between that and vomiting. I seriously smell like someone who has left the milk out too long (yes, I REALLY should change my shirt). He is also burping like a champ finally. I am quite pleased with his progress right now and am taking it to mean that his tummy is starting to function a bit better.
If only the gas would stop waking him up so he would sleep for more than two hours at night, then I would be one happy, rested (albeit spit up covered) mama.
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