Let me tell you, it does. Our boy has gone from a squishy blob, into a functioning little baby. He smiles now, at least a few times a day (The first one showed up about 5 weeks, but was at the curtain), coos, and above all, at 8 weeks he has just started be intrigued by the world around him. It is fascinating to watch him as he stares at objects, working out how to bat them with his chubby little fists. He also sleeps better, and has a long stretch of about 5 hours from 8pm-1am if I am really lucky (but then is still up after 2 or 3 hours from then on). But still, it is an improvement.
The biggest change has been his curiosity. Now, he is happy to be staring at his toys and figuring things out, and then he loves a cuddle afterwards.
His gas is slowly getting better too. Now it mainly effects him at night. Whether it is the probiotics, or time, I can't say- but either way it's improving.
Yay for 8 weeks. The next countdown is to 12 :)
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