Baby is really kicking these days. Usually I feel Pi every couple hours or so, sometimes more, sometimes less. I suppose it depends on what I am doing. My belly is really growing, and depending on how big a meal I have eaten, I can look quite pregnant- though no where near as big as others. I find myself doing the belly rubbing thing that you see most pregnant mothers do. I always wondered why they did it, but it kind of is a bit of an reaction thing, and it feels comforting. Rub, rub, rub.
I have been so lucky with friends and students over here, in that I have received lots of lucky safe birth charms that people get from temples. It's nice that people have been going out of their way to think, pray to whatever god it is, and buy a little pouch. I have about 4 these days, so hopefully that equals a very safe birth.
Because I left a lot of my classes in the last week of December, I was also really spoilt with gifts, and have received baby rattles, blankets, flowers, special pregnancy tea and lots more from students/their parents. They have been so lovely, and I am really sad to leave a lot of my classes, but it is better for the school so they can save some money, and now I am kind of looking forward to the part time hours. It makes the next twelve weeks of school more enjoyable, and less chance of me getting sick, with fewer students and fewer kids classes.
I had my appointment the other Saturday, while mum and dad were in Japan. It was so nice the both they and my husband were able to come into the ultrasound. I had a different doctor (as I usually go on Wednesdays), and straight away (in Japanese) he said "eat too much". I (for some reason) thought that he was talking about the baby, so I just smiled and said 'really?". The lack of subjects and use of pronouns is really confusing sometimes... Then, at the end of the appointment he said it again, and I worked out he was talking about me. Gah! I was expecting it. I have been gaining weight like a fat kid at Christmas- though it is Christmas. I can see why it was probably a little worrying for him. From my pre-pregnancy weight, I have gained about 5 kilos, (at week 22-23), but about 7kgs or so including the weight loss from when I was morning sick. By western standards, it isn't that bad, but as Japanese doctors don't want women to gain any more than about 8kgs, I can see why he is worried. I think I am aiming for a 12kg weight gain overall. Which means no more saying about exercise and healthy eating, and a lot more doing (in my defence, I always put on a few kilos over Christmas- especially while travelling with the parents). Ganbarimasu!
Pi's sex was confirmed again, which is great, and the other awesome thing: while the doctor was doing the ultrasound, he flicked a button on the computer and Bammo- 3D baby. It was so nice to see Pi-chan as a baby looking thing, instead of just the black shape of bits. Pi was moving hands a little bit too. Very cute, and my parents were thrilled. He gave me a few 3D photos too. :D
Week: 24
Baby bump: Growing well. Thankfully no lines or anything yet.
Movement: Kicking and punching a lot. Yay
Complaints: Nope. I am really unfit though.
Maternity clothes: My package arrived and I have since lived in my maternity jeans. They are wonderful! Everyone needs a pair (though they do slip down a fair bit). I have a few wrap tops, tops sweaters and a tunic now too. The trick will be seeing what I can/can't wear to work...

Week: 24
Baby bump: Growing well. Thankfully no lines or anything yet.
Movement: Kicking and punching a lot. Yay
Complaints: Nope. I am really unfit though.
Maternity clothes: My package arrived and I have since lived in my maternity jeans. They are wonderful! Everyone needs a pair (though they do slip down a fair bit). I have a few wrap tops, tops sweaters and a tunic now too. The trick will be seeing what I can/can't wear to work...
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