Last night I spent a good two hours trying to feel for a bit of movement, after not noticing Pi-chan at all during the day. It usually wouldn't have been a thing, expect Pi has been kicking like crazy the last few days, and now to suddenly stop has me a little worried. I read in the baby books that this happens. Some days the baby loves to jump about, and others they do nothing. I am hoping we are just on a rest day or two, but luckily I have an appointment tomorrow, anyway.
25 weeks is getting closer and closer to the big due date- I am about 3 weeks off the third trimester now. Yesterday, Husband and I went to babies r us to look for prams, car seats and the high low chairs that they have over here (kind of like an automatic rocking bed/change table/high chair). The car seat was pretty easy to select, not that we have purchased it yet. The pram (or babycar, as they call them here) is a bit more difficult. As soon as we had decided on the one (which also happened to be one of the most expensive), I am now having second thoughts. Will I really be using a pram that often to justify spending that amount of money on it. Prams really aren't used in Japan. The majority wears their baby over here, and when at a shopping centre, you can borrow prams for when you get tired of carting everything around. At the moment, the only things I can see me using the pram for, is for walks around the neighbourhood and the occasional picnic. So, if I am using the thing infrequently, shouldn't I just go for a basic model? 'Tis a pickle.
On the plus side- we bought our Ergo baby carrier with infant insert. This site is super cheap (much cheaper than the stores) It is in Japanese though. But we picked up the carrier and insert for 10800Yen. Very cheap. It is also our first purchase for little Pi-chan. :D
Week: 25
Baby bump: About the same as last week.
Movement: Kicking and punching a lot, except for the last few days. I am trying not to freak out...
Complaints: I get a stitch every time I walk a long distance. Now that I am actually exercising (lightly) again, it gets quite painful.
Maternity clothes: Still the same. I do love my maternity jeans, and wish I would have bought pants for work (it is a bit pointless now, as by the time they arrive, I would have almost finished work). Most of my business shirts have gone into retirement.
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