Thursday 2 June 2016

Shop-keeping game

Pete has way too many toys, and for some reason he had put a bunch on the kotastu (coffee table), which gave me an idea for a game- shopkeeping. I got a bag out, and jumped on the internet and printed off some play money. Originally I was looking for Japanese yen, but found some character themed money on the same page and decided to use that. <--- this is the site where there are lots of easily printable options. ----- this is the one I used...

So then it was just setting up the merchandise:

It was quite a good educational game. I would tell him them item I wanted and he would get it and either say "here you are" or "dozo" depending on his mood. I would then ask him how much it was. his answer was: "one do(llar)" for just about everything (It must have been a 100yen store..) Though occasionally he said, three, or five or"'nine do". If he were much older, we could even do addition and subtraction practice with change. 

We already had a play wallet ( one that we bought for him from the dollar store months ago and filled it with old I.D's and point cards). 

I also had an bag that I would put my purchases in. After each purchase I would say goodbye and leave, and then come back as a different person.

 We counted his earnings at the end of it, and then played it again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again..... Even after we had packed it up, he pushed the table back and wanted more. I had created a little shop keeping monster. 

All in all, some good, educational fun.

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