Wednesday 8 June 2016

Healthy snacks

I am very lucky that my boy likes food, and more importantly, vegetables. I like to think that the main reason is that we keep him away from sweet food, and junk food, and never mixed his vegetables with fruit puree when he was a baby. In saying that though I realise that no matter what you do, sometimes babies just don't want to eat what you want them to. Fingers crossed Pi still likes eating veggies and that it continues.

Today's snack is due to his octopus arms at the supermarket (the kid grabs EVERYTHING). If he breaks something, then I buy it out of obligation. Today's grab was a cucumber.

I don't mind cucumbers, but don't see the thrill of them like some Japanese people seem to- I have seen 'cucumber on a stick' vendors at festivals before.

But I figure it's a vegetable. So I roughly cut it into little sticks and put a little bit of mayonnaise at the bottom of a cup (more for the fun of dipping than anything else), and viola! Snack!

He quite liked it too, was simple to make, and healthy. I think this will be a summer repeater.


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