Friday 2 October 2015

The final 'wonder week'- Huzzah!

The final 'wonder week' (which is always at least a month long) runs from week 70 and a half, to week 75 and a half. This developmental leap was all about the world of systems. Meaning now not only can he see a pattern of things that need to be done in order to complete a task, but it means he realises that they can be done in a different order to complete the same end.

For example- it was "Let's go to the shops".Which meant- clean nappy, socks and pants, get mummy's bag, get our water bottle, close the windows, put on our shoes, lock the door.

Now he realises that we can get the bag ready before we put our socks on, and we can close the windows first.

The 'Stormy period'- aka, cranksville, was at the start of the leap this time which was kind of nice. And it was pretty bad for a while, but passed after a week or so.

His naps are hit and miss. The same with his sleeping; some nights he sleeps until 5am (then he has a quick feed before going back down again) and some nights he wakes a few times. I am hoping it sorts itself soon enough.

From my other friends, I have heard that the terrible twos also have a few month long periods of crankiness, but thankfully I feel like it is getting a little easier to deal with now that he is older.


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