Wednesday 27 May 2015

Egg and vaccinations

Little Pichan has been getting his vaccinations like a good boy, and today it is his MR and Chickenpox. Thankfully, Yokohama gives the chickenpox vaccination for free, whereas other places (like my old town) don't.

Before Pi gets the MR vaccination though, we were told by the doctor that he has to eat raw egg.. Yuk! Not to mention I had no idea how to prepare it, so the nurses told me:

Get warm, white rice
crack an egg on top
mix through thoroughly

I would put "enjoy" as the last step, but Pichan really wasn't keen on that. He kept spitting out each mouthful until it dribbled down his chin. I don't blame him at all.

However today, I decided to try it again, but a little differently...

Crack and egg into a bowl and whisk.
Season with white pepper
toss half the egg away
add freshly cooked 'okayu' (very runny rice porridge)
stir well.

I was surprised, but Petey actually liked it. He kept opening his mouth wide for more. Maybe because of all the boiling watery okayu the egg was cooked more. Or maybe because the black pepper gave it a nice taste.

Either way, he is not allergic (I think). So off to the doctors we went. This time, they gave him the two shots at once (two different needles). It makes life much easier (instead of going every week), though poor Petey wasn't impressed with it. 

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