Thursday 16 April 2015

Always do it now...

I need this "always do it now" reminder plastered everywhere these days. Life with a cruiser, while not as tough as life with a walker, has its challenges. For starters, Little Pi has found the rice cooker, and the buttons on it. He is also tall enough to turn on the dishwasher and the gas cooker! The problem is, sometimes I am just a little busy with cooking dinner that I let him play with the rice cooker. Sometimes he turns it on and off by himself, and sometimes just on- and then loves it when I turn it off. The problem comes from when I think "Oh, I need to turn the rice cooker off when he is finished with it", and then forget.

Forgetting about it seems to be my theme, and the other day we cooked a full load of air in the rice cooker. Thankfully it didn't burn the house down, and there were no weird smells because of it, but it is not something that I want to have happen every day.

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