Tuesday 21 April 2015

Nappy (Diaper) review: Merries vs Moony pants type (L size)

I am officially a pants convert. Pichan isn't walking yet and he hates being put on his back for a nappy change. It is usually a bit of a scream fest, and no amount of toys (unless it is a forbidden object like my mobile phone) will keep him happy if he is already in a bad mood. Using pants type nappies means I can stand him up against something, rip them off (or pull them down) and put the new one on. If it is poopy, it is still a lay him down job (thankfully the pants type nappies rip at the sides so I don't have to pull poop down his legs, or anything) but at least I only have to lay him down once or twice a day, usually.


Cost: Babies R Us have them for 1429yen for 56 nappies about 25.5yen/nappy- depends where you buy and if they are on sale. 'Create SD' drugstore is a little cheaper.
Softness: 4/5
Rash: none
Fit: Really nice fit. The sidebands are super side, the front goes up really high (which is important if you have a boy). The back fits around the whole buttocks
Absorbency: 5/5- My LO can sleep in them. No pee leaks.
Poo leaks: 5/5- though not such an issue now with more solid poops.
Wetness Indicator: Yes
Notes: Great gathering around the legs, seems comfortable for my LO to wear. Easy to put on.

Moony Nappies:

Cost: Babies R Us have them for 1397yen for 56 nappies about 24.9yen/nappy- depends where you buy and if they are on sale. 'Create SD' drugstore is a little cheaper.
Softness: 4/5
Rash: none
Fit: I call these 'briefs' as they are a bit smaller in area than the merries nappy. The cover the bottom, but not the whole cheek. The front isn't as high as Merries
Absorbency: 4/5- Haven't tried for night use, but they have leaked twice during the day
Poo leaks: 5/5- though not such an issue now with more solid poops.
Wetness Indicator: Yes

Notes: because there is less coverage, I feel like I have to tuck my little boys 'bits' in more and adjust it all a bit more so it fits in the right places. 

Merries Nappy

 Moony Nappy (You can see it doesn't cover as much as the moony)

Merries nappy from the side                               Moony nappy from the side
(you can see the better coverage)

 Merries nappy (above), Moony nappy (below)

The winner of the two, is....... Merries.

Though I will still buy Moony on occasion, as you can only buy one packet of Merries at a time where I buy my nappies (due to popularity).

Thursday 16 April 2015

Always do it now...

I need this "always do it now" reminder plastered everywhere these days. Life with a cruiser, while not as tough as life with a walker, has its challenges. For starters, Little Pi has found the rice cooker, and the buttons on it. He is also tall enough to turn on the dishwasher and the gas cooker! The problem is, sometimes I am just a little busy with cooking dinner that I let him play with the rice cooker. Sometimes he turns it on and off by himself, and sometimes just on- and then loves it when I turn it off. The problem comes from when I think "Oh, I need to turn the rice cooker off when he is finished with it", and then forget.

Forgetting about it seems to be my theme, and the other day we cooked a full load of air in the rice cooker. Thankfully it didn't burn the house down, and there were no weird smells because of it, but it is not something that I want to have happen every day.

Sunday 12 April 2015

Crawling vs Army crawling

My little guys is doing it... Crawling properly. Since he has been seeing other kids doing it, he has been crawling like a pro. But I don't think it was just the peer instruction that helped.

You see, we have a small space (it is Japan after all) and hardwood floors. Combine that with winter and always being in socks and warm, fuzzy pants and he could very easily pull himself along. Now that spring has sprung, it is sometimes warm enough to give him some pants off time and because of that, he can't really pull himself along as quickly and has instead been crawling properly.

Perhaps it was the pants all along, or perhaps he just liked moving about like a zombie with an injured leg being dragged behind him...

Wednesday 8 April 2015

Bibs- aka よだれかけ

The other day while in ToysRus, I found some super cute bibs ( よだれかけ- yodarekake) and as Pi still needs them like he needs a good nap, I bought a packet. After getting them home I realised something awesome. The special 'hook and loop fastener, aka- velcro.

Instead of having raised 'hooks' it is only a little bit rough like a cat's tounge- but has enough of a catch to stick to the loop fastener side. This, to me, is fantastic, as the traditional 'velcro' often rubs the back of Pi's neck and he gets a bit red and irritated back there.

On a related bib note. For Pi's meals we have bought those plastic bibs with the little pocket at the front (the kind that just wipe down). It is so easy being able to use them for his meals, and we have about 5 of them, as they are so handy. And cheap- as we bought ours from Daiso and Seria (the dollar stores)