Sunday 13 April 2014

38 weeks

All is still going well, as far as I can tell.

Still super tired, but getting super excited too. It has occurred to us that this weekend is the last weekend we have before Pichan is due! Exciting times.

I am trying to keep my routine fairly normal up until then. I am still going to Japanese lessons once a week, still trying to walk for an hour everyday (which is really tiring), and still reading as many birth books and blogs that I can. I have now finished Hypnobirthing- which I really quite liked- and am now reading the Bradley method. So far it isn't the best, but even if I only pull a few useful things out of the book, I believe it makes the buying and reading of the book worth it.

We are trying to do a bit of spring cleaning of the cupboards too. We figure otherwise it may be quite a
while. It is a bit of a mamoth tast though. I thought it would take half an hour to to the upstairs cupboard. We worked for 2 hours and it's still not done. I will finish it today though, because Pichan's room is a mess.

Today I am also going to work on making some meditation CD's. I can't seem to find hypnobirthing CD's on itunes, and it is too late to order them from ebay. So looks like I will be listing to the sound of my own voice. I suppose at least it can be tailored to how I want though.

Husband and I have also had the preliminary chat of what I want him to do during labour; so we are almost all systems go!

Week: 38
Baby bump: It's so round and cute, and gets in the way sometimes.
Movement: Lots of movement sometimes- yay!
Complaints: Again, part from being so tired there is nothing worth mentioning.
Maternity clothes/Baby purchasesNothing new this week...

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