It kind of came out of nowhere. For a little while he was skipping a nap or two here or there, but about four weeks ago he stopped napping completely. He skipped day, and then the next day I didn't get him down until late, and then the following day we put him down, but only for an hour (and he didn't fall asleep in that time) and then that was it. In the last four weeks he had a nap only once, and it really messed up his bed time.
When I think about it though- His bedtime had been getting later and later recently. This sucked because I work on Tuesday and Wednesday nights so we didn't have the luxury of putting him in bed past 8.
In someways the lack of naps is bad because I don't get time to sit down in the day, and Pi doesn't get to spend much time with Daddy (he is well and truly ready for bed by the time Daddy gets home). However the earlier nights for Pi means that Husband and I can watch a movie and have more time to ourselves, and if he is not napping anyway then we have been able to leave the house all day and not be worried about him being too tired.
I have been putting him down for an hour for a bit of quiet time for both of us, which is better than nothing. Enough time for me to clean up/eat lunch and answer a few emails, and give him the opportunity to have some quiet downtime and fall asleep if he wants.
Dropping the naps was bound to happen eventually, so getting 2 years and 7 months is not too bad.

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