It was actually quite easy to do. We started by agreeing that if it was before 3:30am, my husband would go in and sing him/ pat him back to sleep. At first, Pichan was REALLY upset that Mummy Feedbags wasn't coming in, but after two nights he was pretty used to it, and then just started sleeping through. He stopped waking at 4am too. It all just kind of clicked into place- so we just dropped all feeds during the night.
For a little while there, he might wake up once a night, but Daddy would just sing to him and he would go straight back to sleep. Within 4 weeks, he stopped waking at night all together.
He wakes up earlier than he used to. Usually about 6:30am, but that is fine for his age- sleeping from 7:30-6:30 is 11hours, which is pretty darn good in my books.
For a while there he was waking up at 6am, or 5:30 am, but that was our fault as we became inconsistent with his bed time (usually his bedtime is from 7-7:30, but for a while there it was more like 8-8:30). A quick change back to a stricter bedtime, usually between 7:15-7:45pm, and he is back to sleeping until 6:30am.
Ahh, bliss.

(not Pichan :p)
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