At about 8, or an hour (ish) after he has woken up, I usually make breakfast for us (we eat our meals together). I usually just have some sort of spread on toast, and Pichan has toast (sometimes with peanut butter, sometimes mashed banana, or plain), with some sliced banana for him to feed himself (he LOVES feeding himself). Sometimes I make some baby cereal for him, though that is happening rarer and rarer as he doesn't like being fed (prefers to feed himself). If he is still hungry, or doesn't eat much then I will give him some yogurt. They have this baby yogurt in Japan, which I think comes in perfect sizes! In Australia, the baby yogurt was in huge tubs, and while Pichan did eat it all, I think it was a meal in itself. Whereas yogurt here is in nice, snack sized containers.
This is what I feed him (it comes in different flavours- I usually buy the vegetable ones)
The main reason why I wanted to write this post was to share the type of bread I use. In Japan, they sell crustless bread for making cute little sandwiches. The bread slices are much smaller, and I find one is perfect, and nice and easy for Pichan to eat.
I used to cut the crusts off (beacuse I thought that they might be tough for him to eat), so this saves me some effort. As he only would eat half a slice of bread, this makes it easy and little wastage. The only thing is I would prefer to feed him wholemeal bread, but it is really hard to get wholemeal bread in Japan.
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