The staff were friendly, and after signing up, took me for a small orientation of all the things that I would need to know. She also introduced me to a Japanese mum who is married to a Canadian. She was super friendly, and was willing to put up with my bad Japanese, which was great.
Pichan had a great time climbing over things and eating all the various toys around. He wasn't too much trouble to other kids, but was much stronger than them- even the kids twice his age- so I was a bit worried with the inevitable toy snatching that comes with sticking a bunch of babies in the room. He is not a violent baby, luckily (do they even exist).
All in all, it was a really fun time. We only stayed for an hour or so as I had to get Pichan back for his nap. We will definitely go back, as it was good for Pi to see other babies and hopefully become a little bit more social. It was also free; which is my favourite price.