Little Pi now fights naps with a vengeance, whether I put him down after an hour, an hour and a half, two hours, two and a half hours. It makes no difference. I was getting him to sleep in under 5mins in his bouncer, with little crying. Now it is screaming, barely goes down in his bouncer, but sometimes has to be rocked to sleep, or will only sleep in my arms if I go up to bed. Talk about a regression. 20 min naps are common, too. Sigh.
As for sleep: he isn't really getting up any more often than before (touch wood), but has lost the ability to put himself back to sleep. So when he wakes up after two hours and wants a feed or a cuddle, it takes up to an hour and 30 mins to put him down. He doesn't even want to suck on my thumb! Which is usually his catnip. I can see the poor little man get so sleepy, roll onto his side as he always does, but then cries after a few seconds as he can't get to sleep and thus rolls back and cries some more. Repeat process; many, many times.
From what I have read, this stage usually lasts from about 2-4weeks, sometimes up to 6. Some people still swear their little one is still there at two years. Whether or not there is a growth spurt at 4 months, I am not sure (some websites say there is, some only at 3 and 6 month) but it is definitely start of the 'stormy' period for the wonder week.
Here is what to expect of the behaviour change:
Demands more attention (check)
Sleeps poorly (Check!)
Clingy (check)
Cries easily/mood swings (check)
Fights naps (CHECK!)
May have difficulty holding head up (not sure about this one)
*I have ordered the book from ($25AUD), so will do a bit of a write up of what to expect for week 19.
But the main problem is sleep. I have read a great article on Sleep, Baby, Sleep who put it into great perspective. Baby is learning all these skills during the day, and is thinking about them all night and still wanting to practice, so he can't sleep. Like if it's the night before your wedding, or a big event and you are too excited to sleep, and the more you thinks about not sleeping, the more you can't sleep, and then the more frustrated you gets, and then the more you can't sleep. This also sounds EXACTLY what happens to Pi at night; his cries are more frustration and tired.
As I mentioned, I have ordered the book, so I am curious to see how useful it will be. I am hoping if I can help him over these 'leaps' quicker, things will get back to normal.
One thing is still normal though: Pi is still as adorable as ever!

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