I have also been looking up lots on how to dilate the cervix before labour. 37 weeks used to be considered full term, though now 38 weeks is considered full term; and while I don't want to try any at home induction methods yet, I will probably start something from 39 weeks on. After all, I hear that if baby isn't ready, baby won't come. But after the clinic visit and the doctor wanting me to dilate early, I figure a head start won't hurt. Plus, I really don't want to be induced at the clinic and if I can be a few centimeters dilated it might just make the labour all that much quicker.
As for the rest of the pregnancy, Pichan might have dropped. I think Pi is in position now, which makes me happy. It also makes me have a lot less heartburn- thankfully! I have been walking- under doctors orders. While it exhausts me, I think it might be helping a little. I often feel a bit of pressure and if nothing else, hopefully will help to keep baby in a good position and keep me fit. Luckily, now that I am no longer working I can have a nap after- and boy do I need it!
Week: 37
Baby bump: look out- pregnant woman coming through...
Movement: Pi has been moving a bit more this week. Thank goodness~!
Complaints: Apart from being so tired, nothing worth mentioning.
Maternity clothes/Baby purchases: Nothing new this week...
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