So today's session went for about 2 hrs, with an option to stay later if one is interested in the aroma therapy birth. Because it's too late for me for that option, I went home after the information.
First, the OBGYN came and spoke to us. Basically about the signs to look for labour, which is waters breaking, blood, labour pains, and just to introduce the hospital a little bit. Next, we had a lady from a company talk to us about skincare for the baby. Luckily, I have done my own reading on the subject in baby books as well as on line and it kind of followed the same thing. Though these days the baby books say just washing in water is fine unless there is a 'mess'- aka 'poo', where as she was showing pictures of very soapy babies.
A nurse ran the show, and lucky for me it was the same nurse who speaks English and helped me fill out that form yesterday. It was great, because at the start she came to me and said that if I have any questions, to write them down and ask her later. We also had to purchase a 'text book' for the class for Y500, which is more of an oversized brochure, but contains most of what I already knew. I think that because the nurse knew that my kanji reading is crap, when she got to a new important Kanji in the book she would point to it and say what it is- I am assuming it was for my benefit anyway.
So after she spoke a little about things to bring for labour- food and energy drinks or juice, and something to relax me. Also when to come, which is when the contractions get under 10 mins apart.
We then watched a video about childbirth and it kind of worried me. Not so much the birthing video as I had watched one before, but about how calm that woman was. She was barely making any noise! I found that the most difficult to watch. We also saw the placenta delivered, which I hadn't really seen before, and is kind of gross.... but part of childbirth.
Next we went though the page on how to be calm during labour, where to rub when it hurts.
After that, it was stretches that is good to do prior to giving birth, how to make your nipples poke out if they are inverted, and general nipple fondling.
Then, the things we need to bring to the hospital- but she also showed us the goodie bag that we will receive, which is very nice. Filled with bra's, pads, pants, baby wipes, lots of things.
We also received a goody bag filled with lots of different baby samples- lotion, cream, laundry detergent, formula and also a toothbrush and toothpaste pack. I love freebies, so I am not complaining.
The bad thing about today was that I learned some things that is not so good. For example, due to litigation, breech babies are always c-sectioned. Labour is always on ones back, but maybe we can sit up a little. And in order for my husband to be in the room, he needs to watch the tachiai video. So I might need to change my appointment.
Also, we didn't get to see the rooms because they were in use- or something like that. But we were told we might be able to book in at reception....
So, it was informative- not super informative but at least I know a little more about the clinic's policies. I hand in my birth plan next week, so we shall see how well that is received. I might need to do some tweaking...
Here are some pictures of my clinic..
labour room
delivery room
the more expensive stateroom
the regular room.
All rooms are private, and I think the fancy room is only Y100,000 more for the stay, but I think I will just take the cheaper room. After all, it's not like my husband can share the double bed...
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