Exciting things are coming together. I have finished some decorations of Pichan's room. Though, I have only done one wall, because they took so long (and was only going to do one anyway). But, now that my cute little foxes are up, I am seriously tempted to do the other wall. Maybe when I am on maternity leave and have heaps of time (though, I have plenty of time now).
Another exciting thing (or kind of exciting/annoying) is I am having Braxton Hicks. I didn't know what was going on until I was speaking to my sister in law, and she was describing them as like a tightening that is kind of uncomfortable. And suddenly I thought that is exactly what happens to me sometimes. Better than the painful cramps I was expecting, though, they might still turn out that way.
Pi is getting bigger, and so am I. I think I have grown a bit in the last two weeks. I am starting to get a bit of a pregnant shelf under my bump. I am also getting the Linea Nigra. I noticed it from about week 29. It is really quite faint though, and I hope it stays that way. I haven't been eating as well as I should have since my last doctors appointment. I blame lack of healthy food choices, and a giant bag full of chocolates for Valentine's day (not that I am complaining). I will have to exercise more and try and eat a little better. The tiredness is really starting to come back though. I am feeling like I need a nap in the day more and more, though I have been avoiding it in order to sleep at the same time as my husband every night. I am enjoying lying in most mornings though. It is so nice.
Lots of shopping has finally been done too. We drove to Akachan honpo in Ebina (we heard it was a bigger one- and it was, though still tiny compared to most of the baby stores back home). We splurged for the most expensive car seat- figuring they are important for the baby's safety and supposed to last a few years (newborn to 4 years old- though that is probably Japanese baby size...). We got a great deal on an older Combi Dia Class pram too. Down to $294000 because it was the last one and the store model- a hideous colour but a massive saving and what I hope is a fantastic pram.
My amazon order also came, so lots of baby sleeping bags, outfits and a change pad which I have stuck with velcro to the top of the dresser. My electric breastpump also came today from Amazon Japan (So much cheaper than prices in Australia. So far now, the last big purchase is the crib. One of the reasons that we drove all the way out to Ebina (which took 3hrs to get there because the highways were closed due to snow) was so we could look at a bigger selection of cribs. Even this store, which is the biggest baby store that I have seen so far in our area, only had four to look at. I deduce this is because of bed sharing- which we won't be doing. So I will order our crib online through Amazon Japan. It is just easier that way. But at least I know the rough dimensions that I want.
Week: 30
Baby bump: Getting bigger- Now my clothes are getting really tights and uncomfortable. Wish I would have bought more baggy, warm, sack like maternity clothes for winter... Time to steal Husbands...
Movement: Hiccups, rolling, kicking. Braxton Hicks have started... :)
Complaints: Getting slower and more uncomfortable in my skin. I am also getting random blood pressure drops- mainly when I lay down on my side. Random...
Maternity clothes/Baby purchases: one-piece outfits, pyjama sets, socks, baby clothes hangers, Halo sleeping bags, more wipes (we received a giant box of wipes as a freebie for buying the expensive car seat), changing pad, Diaper rash ointment, Stroller, Car seat,Nursing/feeding pillow, Lanolin ointment, Nursing Pads, Bottles, bottle brush, Play mat, a rattle, receiving blankets, Baby body wash/shampoo, Infant bathing tub.
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