Tuesday 31 January 2017

Still alive- and napping

I am still alive, just very, very exhausted these days. Why? Pi stopped napping which meant that it was a full day of entertaining, and then teaching at night and on the weekends- which left little time for me to scratch myself most days, let along blog.

Pi stopped napping in December, or was it November? It took a long while to get used to it, but once I did, it was actually ok. Sure, I was frazzled by the time 5pm rolled around, but the no nap meant that he was going to bed at 6pm on an organised day, which meant more time at night for me to watch a movie or have a cup of tea.

The biggest downside (besides lack of a sit down in the day) was that Husband didn't get to spend much time with him anymore- getting home at 6pm most nights.

Over the weekend, we went to Enoshima to see the lights and stayed over night. And from then on Pi has needed a nap. He has been sick,too and a total crankypants the last two weeks (along with myself), but being so utterly exhausted- even from the moment he wakes has been really surprising. He would sleep at least 12 hours over night (which is nice) so he should be bareable- but nope! The last few days have been super tough, so I tried giving him a nap and after a bit of protest screaming, he has been napping again. Sweet bliss.

The other good thing about him napping is it is cheaper. Because we have to pay for parking for most things, it means that even going to the park is super expensive. And we are less inclined to have lunch at home if we are out. So lately it has been about 2000yen per day on activities and food.

I have been doing some research and apparently it is quite common to go back to napping after shunning it for several months. In many ways, I will be quite happy if he continues. Even if it is every second day. If it keeps the cranks away, even better!

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