Monday 18 April 2016

Baby hacks- foam pads

We have had them for months and months and months now, but the foam pads that we bought have been so wonderful. We started off with about 20, but now I think we have about 80- they are that good.

What am I talking about? These are the pads you can buy in most baby/toy stores, and also Nitori/furniture stores. 

They slot together like a puzzle. Even after all of this time I am still amazed at how great they are- mainly because while we have a couch and a dining table, we spend most of our time with Pichan on the floor. We started off with a few, mainly for a good tummy time/ crawling space. Then we added more because he started dropping toys on the hardwood and was leaving little dents (we want to protect our rental house), and then we got some more because we spend so much time on the floor that it just made sense to cover  most of the space where he plays.

They are comfortable enough to sit on/ lie on for a long time, can be cleaned and replaced easily and the surprising benefit was that they keep the place much warmer in winter (no cold floor under footing) and don't make a difference to temperature in summer.

Bottom line is, if you or your baby spend time on the floor, I highly recommend getting some of these. We bought ours from Nishimatsuya for just under 500yen for a pack of 8- which seems to be the best value out of all of the stores that I have seen them (colour is kind of blegh though). You can get them online here if you want:   

SmartAngel)くみあわせマット ブラウン&ベージュ(8枚入り)[ジョイントマット][セール][SALE][西松屋]

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