Monday 16 February 2015

Wonder week 7

Here is another leap. Argh! Though, in a way I feel like I am finally doing better than the other ones (maybe because it had only just started). The stormy week isn't suppose to hit until week 44 and a half, so it's probably too early to judge. Maybe because the last leap was when we were home in Oz- and his was taken out of his routine- that he got quite cranky.

In saying that; Pi is pretty cranky, but if you sit on the floor with him or hold him, he is actually pretty good. 

He is going through so many milestones. While some of them are quite small, they are big to me. His new thing is being able to wave goodbybe, being able to clap, being able to 'lift the flaps' in books, and being able to turn the page. He gets so excited turning pages, it's gorgeous. He is standing like a champ (and able to sit/fall back down again), and cruises a little too.

His sleep has taken a bit of a turn. Up usually 4 times a night (so not that much worse, actually), but his afternoon nap has been suffering and he is back to having only 30mins, and waking up really cranky. 

Here is a little about wonder week 7:

During a leap it is possible your baby:
  • Eats less- sometimes. But I think he eats a lot more these days.
  • Cries more then usual
  • Sleeps less or wakes up a lot of the times- Yep! He wakes pretty early too.
  • Cranky- check!
  • Super clingy- Yep
  • Is never satisfied- yep "Pick me up. No, put me down!"

Helping your baby through this leap
  • Help you baby explore and experiment: Allow him to do things on his own. Don’t be quick to jump in and give him the solution. Then after some time, step in and show him how to do it correctly.
  • Properly discipline/ correct and praise your child: Clearly let them know when they are going something dangerous or wrong. You should also spend time praising your child for doing something correct or following your directions.
  • Use more Language: Always use correct pronunciation around your child. Don’t correct their incorrect pronunciation, instead repeat what they said in a correct pronunciation. For example if your child says, “dag” for dog, you should respond by saying, “Yes, that is a dog.” Also make sure you talk to you child telling them what you are doing and going to do.

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