Thursday 19 December 2013

Week 20 and 21

Well, where have I been. Sick again.... Oh what fun it is to be pregnant and a kids English teaching in the middle of cold and flu season. Though, I think I would rather now, than in the middle of Summer over here. Gosh, that would be terrible. In fact, I think April/May is a perfect time to deliver. Not too hot or cold.
Apart from the sickness, the last two weeks have been great pregnancy wise. Little Pi chan is kicking more and more, and harder each day (thankfully, not too hard yet). Last night, Husband was even able to feel the kicks! Unfortunately it was 11:30 at night, and he was due to get up in 4 and a half hours, so I will forgive him not being too enthusiastic.

I am really starting to pop out too. The last too weeks has given me a proper little pooch, which is nice to see with clothes on. I am still getting used to the way I look now with clothes off. Maybe when I get even bigger I will be more comfortable with my new shape- I know that sounds weird, but then it will be big pregnant and round, instead of poochy and as big as I am wide.

Nothing to complain about for pregnancy symptoms either, which is so nice. I am really going to enjoy it while I can. It is my last week of full time, and will be dropping my hours a further 6 teaching hours a week (it doesn't seem like much, but when you add in lesson prep, and teaching times it makes a big difference). My pay will also drop unfortunately, but I was sick of fighting (not really) with my boss and was happy for that one particular stress to be over with.

I am also trying not to stress about my current visa- which expires in two weeks. Usually it would be enough time to do it, but they are are closed for 6 out of the next 10 working days, and the days they are open, we will be away in Kyoto. We have taken the afternoon off to try and beg them (we have been back twice before with our paperwork, and each time they keep telling us that we need more evidence). The problem is, now that last bit of evidence we need is in a different prefecture, without enough time to get it too us... Still, stress isn't good for Pichan, so I will be thinking positive thoughts that they will be compassionate.

Anyway, I will be having two weeks off from writing as I am off on holidays for two weeks, and my parents are over here. Merry Xmas to all, and a happy new year.

Week: 21 and a half
Baby bump: Nice and poochy
Movement: The kicks are getting stronger and more frequent. It's a lovely reminder that Pi is growing well.
Complaints: None at all
Maternity clothes: Nothing yet, but my order is due to arrive in the next day or so. Yay

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