On Tokyo Mothers group (facebook group) there are often people wondering which brand of nappy wipes are bigger. As Pichan was born in Japan, I have been going through most of the Japanese brands, and not really noticing a difference. That was, until I went to Australia over Christmas and used the large, thick ones. Gosh! I now know what I have been missing. It was so nice to use just a few, intead of half a pack, and NOT end up with poop on my hands like I do in Japan because of the size. So, here is a bit of a review.
In Japanese, nappy wipes are called "oshirifuki"- (おしりふき)
Unfortunately, it has been so long since I have used each brand that I can't offer a detailed review. But what I will do it sort from best to worst,
I have tried:

The Pigeon wipes, while a little bigger, smelled horrible! I really didn't like using these. And still have one, half used packet from over a year ago. The label claims is it full of water, but I didn't think they were particularly soft or anything. The smell they leave on the hands and bum is just yuk!
These were fine. Standard by Japanese size (so small). I bought a small case of these for my nappy bag. The didn't give any rashes or anything. They were soft though. I would actually like to try these again so that I can scrutinize
more closely.

I was given a HUGE box of these for free when I bought our expensive car seat. They are 99% water, and alcohol free. Small in size and not very thick. Bought from Akachan Honpo. No bad smells or anything, but tiny so I had to use a lot.

These are just like the above but with no alcohol
and no paraben wipes (from Akachan Honpo). They rank so highly on here due to being paraben and alcohol free, but really they were so small and thin that the 'paraben free' factor is the only reason I would buy them again. I would use about 6-10 wipes to clean my LO's bottom (he has messy mess), so I went through these so quickly.

This is Akachan Honpo's big and thick type. I really like the fact that it is 99% water, but now that I have gotten used to using a lotion type wipe (see Pampers below) I really felt like I had to use a few of these to clean Pi's bottom. They are kind of gauzy too- not sure if that is a good thing, or a bad thing, but I didn't notice any advantage.
This is the water brand sold in Babies R Us in Japan. It is 99.9% water, and is soft on the bottom. There is no alcohol or parabens in these which is a very good thing. While most of the wipes in Japan are alcohol free, paraben free is a rarity. I want to try these again, but probably only will if I see them while I am out and about
But the winner is: PAMPERS~!!!

Pampers wipes were the first ones that I tried when Pi was born, as the clinic gave a few packets in their 'gift' bag. At the time I didn't think anything of it, thinking 'wipes were wipes'. Then, when I went home to Oz I realised that you
DO want large, thick wipes. After searching the internet I found these, which have the kanji 厚手 (atsude) and large 大きい (ookii). They are really great. They are as large as my hand (the Japanese wipes are about half a hand wide), and get the poop off nicely. No heavy rubbing needed. They are soft too (advertised as "fluffy sheet". I am a little concerned about nappy rash, as he is getting a little red, but I will keep my eye on it (edit* no problems with rash*). They have a lotion/moisturiser in them, which is nice and helps to get the poop off really easily and then leave Pi's bottom really soft. They are alcohol and fragrance free, but not listed as Paraben free.
So, if you are looking for a wipe that is just like home, try the Pampers.