So, I have realised that I never really did a colic post about what worked, and what didn't. It has been so long since those first, scream-filled 12 weeks, but I still remember it. My heart always goes out to anyone currently going through it, as it really takes away from the time you get to 'enjoy' your newborn.
From my research, Colic is caused by gas pains, which are caused by a build up of lactose in the intestines, and not enough lactase to process the lactose, so it creates gas, and thus pains, and thus, cranky baby.
I read that probiotics can make it better, and I think it slightly did. So, the probiotics I used were:
Nature's Way, Primadophilus, Reuteri, Superior Probiotic, Powder
I believe it is the Lactobacillus reuteri is the strain that you need and I have heard great things about biogaia but I couldn't get them shipped to Japan:
Here are the other things that I have tried and their effectiveness:
Lots of rubs/burps/leg moves . (not helpful at the time, but maybe it helps for future pains). There are lots of videos on youtube for gas pains in babies. Touching your baby is always good though.
Pumping in the morning to get rid of lactose rich foremilk and so he gets more fat rich hind milk. ( I stopped doing this, as it took a bit of time, and didn't think it was super effective for the effort involved. Maybe it helped slightly though)
Feeding him from only one breast per feeding (Meh? I did it for a while, and then didn't).
Not feeding him so much (I fed him less, but usually every two hours or so. Pi gained weight really well, so I kept an eye on that. I think this helps though)
No more dairy for me to rule out a milk protein allergy (I don't think it was, but just in case). I stopped some other foods too, but I forget what they were. Dairy was the big one though.
Lots of walks (him in the Ergo carrier) and moves to get the gas moving through his system (he LOVED walking, and after the initial struggle, he went straight to sleep). Pi LOVED it (still does), and it saved my sanity. I wore him most of the day, which was a killer on my neck and back, but it is better than a crying baby, and I hated seeing him upset. Being upright with the gentle pressure on their belly helps with the pain. I noticed it helped a lot. Pi was far less fussy when I wore him all day, but it is hella tiring.
Gripe water- 'mommys bliss', (he LOVED the taste of this. I don't know if it helps with the gas too much, but it sometimes distracted him and he stopped crying so it works that way. You need to use a lot per dose though).
'Infants friend' medicine from Australia- works a little bit I think.
I gave him a little bit of fennel tea (a teaspoon or so at a time) when his gas pains are bad (I do think this helps. I think the fennel, combined with the water really flushes out the system). Gripe water is usually ginger, fennel and chamomile, but fennel tea doesn't have the sugar.
I also ate fennel seeds so it ended up in my milk.
What does actually work...time.
That is such a sucky thing to hear.
11weeks and two days was when Pi stopped writhing in pain. It was so hard to watch him cry all the time. It also was the worst vicious cycle, as his pains would wake him up from sleep, so he was always over tired and harder to get to sleep, and then I would finally get him to sleep and then 20mins later- boom- pain again. He was an all day/most of the night pain/Colic. It was so hard on the little guy. He is the happiest little man now though, you wouldn't know it. I think it is the big cause of why he was such a crap sleeper though- we never had that 'sleeping like a baby' thing.
I blame Pi's tummy troubles on the doctors inducing me and giving me antibiotics, and continuing the dose while I was breast feeding- on doctors orders to complete the dose. No wonder his little belly was so screwed up. I felt so sorry for the little man. It is so hard to see them in pain!
On a side note:
Check out the 5 S's. If you can- get your hands on "the happiest baby on the block" dvd- by Dr Harvey Karp. They have some super helpful tricks. The best one (forgive me if you know this) is 'shushing' in their ear REALLY loudly. It kind of resets their inner crying button and they stop (most of the time), especially if you combine it with others (Swaddle, Shushing, Sucking (Pi wouldn't take a pacifier though), Swinging (any movement), and Side/stomach position (not for sleeping). Pi loved to be held by Husband in the "colic hold". To do it, just drape the babyhead down across your forearm. Pi liked it and I think it helped him.
To any mothers with a colicky baby out there; good luck! and just remember that it will pass.