Pi is getting smart, which means simply staring at the monkeys on his bouncer no longer amuses him for hours, and even touching them gets a bit boring for him after 5 mins- after all, he has become a master at the skill.
In the effort to keep him up longer (3-6month old babies should be up for almost two hours,*I've read), so what to do with the other 1hr and 30mins, after he has been fed, changed, played on his mat, played in his bouncer, looked at himself in the mirror, gone for a tour around our very small house....
Walking outside is a great option, 'twere it not the middle of summer.
So what does one do when one lives in almost inaka (it would take 45mins on the train to get to a Yokohama mothers group)? Well, lately I have been rotating lots of things. We have bought him a mobile (fisher price precious planet mobile from Amazon.com).
It cost a small fortune in shipping and he doesn't drift of peacefully to sleep with it, but he does LOVE it. He smiles and giggles away at it for at least 15 mins. We also went to Nishimatsuya- a baby store- and bought a few small toys: a caterpillar that has bells in it, a ball that is easy to grip that has a belly in it, and a scrunchy giraffe that he can chew on to his hearts content.
We also have been going to the shops to walk around. It's airconditioned and noisy and bright, so lots to stimulate him. But it is hard doing that as it screws with his naps. Sometimes I read him a magazine (just show him the pictures and make comments), or we just dance around the house.
Boy, will I be glad when he gets to the stage when he entertains himself- babies do that, right??!
But for now if I could only get the naps to be stretched out just that little bit further (from 30mins to 2 hours), then I am sure the entertaining thing will get much easier.