Recently I have heard and read from a source or two, that if you steep a teabag for 30 seconds, throw out the water and then make another cup of tea, your tea should be 90% caffeine free. I am a little paranoid about doing the wrong thing, and if it wasn't winter, I would be tempted to not have warm drinks at all (but it is getting too cold these days).
Generally accepted is that a cup of black tea contains about 40-60mg of caffeine, so 'they' tell us that a few cups a day should be fine. However, I would rather not have to worry, so I did a bit of research:
According to a study done by Hicks et all published in 1996 in Food Research International, steeping a tea for 15 minutes and then flushing it out removes 100% of the caffeine. Experiments have shown that steeping for about 5 minutes works quite well in retaining the flavour and that removes about 70% of the caffeine.
The data from their finding extrapolated below shows the caffeine extraction percentages within the 5 minutes period. Steeping for:
30 seconds – 9%
1 minute – 18 %
2 minutes - 34%
3 minutes - 48%
4 minutes- 60%
5 minutes - 69%
10 minutes - 92%
15 minutes - 100%
Because 10 mins would probably take away most of the taste, along with the caffeine, I have switched to Roobios- which is caffeine free, and supposedly quite good with the health effects. It doesn't taste like black tea, but it might be the closest substitute you can get. Mind you, I think with everything- pregnant or not- moderation is always key.
Bottoms up...
Two foreigners' journey of being pregnant and having a baby in Japan~ the adventures of a first pregnancy and being a mother in Japan.
Monday, 28 October 2013
14 weeks
Well, now that the news is officially out there, this blog is too (it was private for the last few weeks). 14 weeks means that no matter which source you refer to, I am in the second trimester.
It was fun telling everyone and making the announcement. Family were called, close friends emailed, and facebook like this:
A New Hope: coming 27/04/2014

It made it all more real actually sharing the news with people. Nice to see people getting excited about it, and it's nice not to have to hide our own excitement.
I am already feeling like I have more energy (don't get me wrong, I could still nap) but I don't feel like I am going to collapse. The morning sickness is almost gone too. Now it is just if I get too hungry, or tired. Which is great news. I am getting a little bit of a belly (more baby than bread, I think), so it might only be another week or two before it looks like there is a proper baby in there. I am really looking forward to the next few months; such exciting times.
A New Hope: coming 27/04/2014

It made it all more real actually sharing the news with people. Nice to see people getting excited about it, and it's nice not to have to hide our own excitement.
I am already feeling like I have more energy (don't get me wrong, I could still nap) but I don't feel like I am going to collapse. The morning sickness is almost gone too. Now it is just if I get too hungry, or tired. Which is great news. I am getting a little bit of a belly (more baby than bread, I think), so it might only be another week or two before it looks like there is a proper baby in there. I am really looking forward to the next few months; such exciting times.
Wednesday, 23 October 2013
Japan labour Laws
So I phoned the labour office in Tokyo yesterday to find out a few rights for pregnant women. I thought it best to be prepared, rather than agree to something and fight it later. So the two things my boss mentioned were taking me to part time hours, and finishing me up early.
Part time hours- it is illegal to change an employee to part time hours, because they are pregnant, without their consent.
Finishing up before maternity leave starts- An employer can finish an employee before maternity leave starts, but then said employee will have to pay a maternity leave subsidy up until the government subsidy starts.
I will have to give them a call back on Friday, or another time to find out if I actually will be eligible for maternity leave and childcare leave payments, as if I finish up before the end of March, I wouldn't have been working a full year....
The branch in Tokyo offers services in English on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Here are the details:
Information on Advisory Services for Foreign Workers
Tokyo Labour Bureau, Labour Standards Department, Inspection Division
Advisory services on working conditions both in English and Chinese are provided to the foreign
workers in Japan as follows.
Office : Tokyo Labour Bureau
Labour Standards Department
Inspection Division
D a y s : Monday, Wednesday and Friday for English, Tuesday and Thursday for Chinese
H o u rs : 10:00a.m.~4:00p.m. (except noon~1:00p.m.)
Matters : General working conditions related to wages, dismissal, retirement,
working hours, days off and others
P h o n e : 03-3512-1612
* Please note that the day(s) may be changed. Confirm the above office and make an appointment before visiting.
Part time hours- it is illegal to change an employee to part time hours, because they are pregnant, without their consent.
Finishing up before maternity leave starts- An employer can finish an employee before maternity leave starts, but then said employee will have to pay a maternity leave subsidy up until the government subsidy starts.
I will have to give them a call back on Friday, or another time to find out if I actually will be eligible for maternity leave and childcare leave payments, as if I finish up before the end of March, I wouldn't have been working a full year....
The branch in Tokyo offers services in English on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Here are the details:
Information on Advisory Services for Foreign Workers
Tokyo Labour Bureau, Labour Standards Department, Inspection Division
Advisory services on working conditions both in English and Chinese are provided to the foreign
workers in Japan as follows.
Office : Tokyo Labour Bureau
Labour Standards Department
Inspection Division
D a y s : Monday, Wednesday and Friday for English, Tuesday and Thursday for Chinese
H o u rs : 10:00a.m.~4:00p.m. (except noon~1:00p.m.)
Matters : General working conditions related to wages, dismissal, retirement,
working hours, days off and others
P h o n e : 03-3512-1612
* Please note that the day(s) may be changed. Confirm the above office and make an appointment before visiting.
Tuesday, 22 October 2013
13 weeks 3 days appointment
Off again I went. This time with a scheduled appointment, unlike the last few times where it is just a rock up. Today I filled out my coupon book, and another form which i believe has something to do with reparations if they screw something up. Not really sure, and I should start bringing these along to Japanese class, or to my friend to get them to help translate.
I did my usual BUW (Blood pressure, urine, weight), and found that I have gained 1.4kgs in the last 3 weeks. Not surprising really considering my appetite has come back, but still not into eating healthy foods quite yet (Though I am feeling better about them this week). So that puts me back to where I started, pretty much. 62.4kg (Though I started at 63.4). Not great, but the nurse didn't seem to mind and the doctor didn't say anything. I will just have to make healthier choices in the future- though exercising still seems like way too much effort at the moment.
The blood test results are back- It looks like he was testing me for a lot of STD's, and one of the first thing he said was. You don't have aids. Always great news, but as I forgot what I was being tested for, it was a bit out of the blues. All the usual was done, Hepatitis, rubella etc and all came back 'no problem', plus whatever else they were testing for was 'no problem'. I also found out my blood type- A+, always good to know.
The utrasound today was another internal, to my surprise. I was expecting external and to see the regular shot of the baby at 12 weeks, (plus, that is how they look for the Neural tube gap). Pi-chan has grown to 6.4cms, which is about double of 3 weeks ago (so maybe all the weight gain isn't just the bread). Before they did the ultrasound, he also did a clyamida swab. It makes me wonder if all Japanese women get these, or if it is just a 'she looks like a promiscuous Gaijin' thing. Probably the former, and better safe then sorry. I heard little Pi-chan's heartbeat too, which was a lot softer than I was expecting.
Today's appointment was 3000. i don't know if they used a coupon, as it is usually 4000, and it probably would have been more for the clyamidia test. Though, I didn't notice any coupons used. Ah well. They also gave me a cute little pouch for all my books and things, but because I am using the English boshi techo (mother and child handbook) it doesn't fit. A shame really.
In there was another book which the receptionist went through all the important pages- numbers to call in an emergency, a schedule of what happens in the week at the hospital, things to bring to the hospital, and a birthplan that needs to be given in at 36 weeks. All of this I will need translated, but I should get there in the end. :) I am just glad that requesting things is an option.
Hurray for another step forward...
I did my usual BUW (Blood pressure, urine, weight), and found that I have gained 1.4kgs in the last 3 weeks. Not surprising really considering my appetite has come back, but still not into eating healthy foods quite yet (Though I am feeling better about them this week). So that puts me back to where I started, pretty much. 62.4kg (Though I started at 63.4). Not great, but the nurse didn't seem to mind and the doctor didn't say anything. I will just have to make healthier choices in the future- though exercising still seems like way too much effort at the moment.
The blood test results are back- It looks like he was testing me for a lot of STD's, and one of the first thing he said was. You don't have aids. Always great news, but as I forgot what I was being tested for, it was a bit out of the blues. All the usual was done, Hepatitis, rubella etc and all came back 'no problem', plus whatever else they were testing for was 'no problem'. I also found out my blood type- A+, always good to know.
The utrasound today was another internal, to my surprise. I was expecting external and to see the regular shot of the baby at 12 weeks, (plus, that is how they look for the Neural tube gap). Pi-chan has grown to 6.4cms, which is about double of 3 weeks ago (so maybe all the weight gain isn't just the bread). Before they did the ultrasound, he also did a clyamida swab. It makes me wonder if all Japanese women get these, or if it is just a 'she looks like a promiscuous Gaijin' thing. Probably the former, and better safe then sorry. I heard little Pi-chan's heartbeat too, which was a lot softer than I was expecting.
Today's appointment was 3000. i don't know if they used a coupon, as it is usually 4000, and it probably would have been more for the clyamidia test. Though, I didn't notice any coupons used. Ah well. They also gave me a cute little pouch for all my books and things, but because I am using the English boshi techo (mother and child handbook) it doesn't fit. A shame really.
In there was another book which the receptionist went through all the important pages- numbers to call in an emergency, a schedule of what happens in the week at the hospital, things to bring to the hospital, and a birthplan that needs to be given in at 36 weeks. All of this I will need translated, but I should get there in the end. :) I am just glad that requesting things is an option.
Hurray for another step forward...
Sunday, 20 October 2013
13 Weeks
Some books say that today is the start of the second trimester. I am already feeling a lot more hopeful, and as long as I keep eating, the morning sickness mainly stays away. Hurrah! Hopefully some energy will come back soon and I will start exercising again. See how we go next week. Unfortunately, because I am so busy with work (the busiest teacher in my company), it means what little energy I have gets saved up for teaching.
Speaking of work. I finally told my boss yesterday. I was super nervous when I saw him, crazy heartbeat and everything, but felt much better after letting the cat out of the bag. He wasn't happy, as was expected, but he was expecting the news at some stage (after all, I did tell him it was on the cards during the recruitment process). He mentioned cutting down my hours, which would be great. However, the more he thought about it, the more it sounded like he wants to cut me down to part time. Certainly NOT great, with a baby on the way we will need all the money we can get. He also wants to take me off work earlier than the end of March. I was hoping to finish off the school year, but I would be happy to compromise with the end of Feb, or something, preferably mid March though. I have tried to look at what my rights are in Japan, but really can't find anything. I get the feeling he will (of coarse) do what is best for him. I will just have to try and have a firm voice and not agree with everything so easily, unless it is in my best interest. I suppose it is a bit harder when one is a children and adults English teacher- while the adult classes will be okay, the kids classes will be very difficult with a giant belly (on and off the floor). Though, if I got through them in the first trimester, surely I can do 8 weeks into the second/third...
Speaking of work. I finally told my boss yesterday. I was super nervous when I saw him, crazy heartbeat and everything, but felt much better after letting the cat out of the bag. He wasn't happy, as was expected, but he was expecting the news at some stage (after all, I did tell him it was on the cards during the recruitment process). He mentioned cutting down my hours, which would be great. However, the more he thought about it, the more it sounded like he wants to cut me down to part time. Certainly NOT great, with a baby on the way we will need all the money we can get. He also wants to take me off work earlier than the end of March. I was hoping to finish off the school year, but I would be happy to compromise with the end of Feb, or something, preferably mid March though. I have tried to look at what my rights are in Japan, but really can't find anything. I get the feeling he will (of coarse) do what is best for him. I will just have to try and have a firm voice and not agree with everything so easily, unless it is in my best interest. I suppose it is a bit harder when one is a children and adults English teacher- while the adult classes will be okay, the kids classes will be very difficult with a giant belly (on and off the floor). Though, if I got through them in the first trimester, surely I can do 8 weeks into the second/third...
Sunday, 13 October 2013
12 weeks
The internet can be a bad source of information. There is just so much information that sites regularly contradict themselves. Some sites claim that 10 marks the transition from an embryo to a fetus, some say 12. Some say 12 weeks marks the beginning of the second trimester, some say 13, or 14. Some say that week 12 is the 'safer' time, some say 13, or 14. The Japanese doctors say 20 weeks is the safe time (So I have heard from my pregnant Japanese friend). I suppose at the end of the day, I should just treat the pregnancy like they would have back in the days before countless books and the internet; keep healthy, and ride out the 40 weeks. I suppose it doesn't really matter if the baby is a fetus or an embryo, if I am in the second trimester yet or not, and as for safety- I really shouldn't be doing anything less safe (like going snowboarding, or eating raw fish), just because I am past magic line- it will still be bad for the baby.
I mentioned my Japanese friend before (who doesn't know that I am pregnant, yet) who told me some interesting information from her doctor. She is very healthy- would run regularly and is the kind that rides bicycles up mountains, but her doctor told her she can no longer run. Back in Oz, it is known that if you did it before, you can keep doing it (just take it easier), but if you didn't run, then now is not the time to start. What surprised me wasn't the running though, she was also told she couldn't walk until 20weeks. I couldn't believe it! Everything I have ever read extols the virtues of walking (a brisk daily stroll), not to mention the Japanese doctors are so fanatical about not gaining too much weight. Obviously the doctors here still like the idea of the pregnant woman laying on her back for 40 weeks.
What can I take away from this- I think that maybe it's best not to ask the doctor any questions I may already know the answer to. Not that I don't trust all their information, but at the end of the day I am Australia, so I should probably do what it told for Australians. Also, I really should start walking again- and stop eating so much cake...
Sunday, 6 October 2013
11 weeks
Another week down- Yay! Nothing too exciting about week 11 so far (apart from the fact that i am a week closer to meeting the little one, of coarse). The nausea seems to be getting slightly better - though I wear seabands constantly, so I am not sure if it is those keeping them away (but I do feel worse when I take them off). This week I have been developing that weird taste in my mouth (Dysgeusia). Which really isn't very pleasant- but I would rather that than the tiredness or vomiting. My husband and I hope to climb a small hill this weekend, so it will be a good test of how much better I am doing, as last weekend when we were out shopping I felt quite bad (I am okay when I am not doing anything though).
My Japanese teacher totally guessed my pregnancy too. I didn't want to lie to her, so I fessed up but I felt a little bad afterwards as we have been keeping it a real secret (Hence why this blog is still private for a few more weeks). It does make me look forward to telling my boss next week though (not the telling, just the confessing), so that I can finally let the cat out of the bag. Luckily, being overseas and away from close friends makes it quite easy to keep it all a secret. Not long now :D
My Japanese teacher totally guessed my pregnancy too. I didn't want to lie to her, so I fessed up but I felt a little bad afterwards as we have been keeping it a real secret (Hence why this blog is still private for a few more weeks). It does make me look forward to telling my boss next week though (not the telling, just the confessing), so that I can finally let the cat out of the bag. Luckily, being overseas and away from close friends makes it quite easy to keep it all a secret. Not long now :D
Tuesday, 1 October 2013
10 week appointment
So off I went again to the doctors- still unsure if I should actually be there or not quite so early, but the doctor didn't seem to mind or care that I was there. The usual blood pressure/urine/weight check, and then off to see the doctor. I was surprised at yet another ultrasound, but everything is coming along well, and the baby is growing. The scans due date is the same as the doctor's, so maybe I can officially call it the 27/04/14. See if it changes.
The big difference about this visit was he finally wanted me to have a blood test. He said it was for glucose and a few other things, so I was happy to have the test for wellbeings sake. I asked him if this tests for downsyndrome, and he asked if I was worried and he will do a test after 15 week. Now that I ahve gotten home, I have realised that they don't test for downsyndrome through blood, but through ultrasound, and now I am worried they will give me another one- or a CVS test which I really don't want)*note to self, do research before asking questions..... After the ultrasound, a sat in the corner and a nurse came over with a needle. But I told her that I often fall down (I didn't know the word for feint) and so she took me off to a room with a bed (a proper bed, with a duvet and everything) for the test. I felt a bit bad for causing trouble, but I have passed out after my last three blood tests, and I could feel the blood rush from my face a little bit, so it was probably better safe then causing a scene on the floor.
Though, when time came for the bill, I nearly fainted- because of the cost. The receptionist told me that it would be more expensive today because of the blood test... But it was 16200! Holy Moley! The worst thing was that I didn't bring my vouchers with me today, expecting it to be less than the the usual 4000 (because I didn't think I would see the doctor), and didn't want to waste my coupons. I think they might have only given me 3000 off anyway, so I suppose it is no biggie. But I was still shocked, and lesson learned. Not to mention an important wake up call about how much this baby will really cost. Still super happy to be pregnant, but I suppose I should enjoy the days of my shop bought frappuccinos while I still can.
The big difference about this visit was he finally wanted me to have a blood test. He said it was for glucose and a few other things, so I was happy to have the test for wellbeings sake. I asked him if this tests for downsyndrome, and he asked if I was worried and he will do a test after 15 week. Now that I ahve gotten home, I have realised that they don't test for downsyndrome through blood, but through ultrasound, and now I am worried they will give me another one- or a CVS test which I really don't want)*note to self, do research before asking questions..... After the ultrasound, a sat in the corner and a nurse came over with a needle. But I told her that I often fall down (I didn't know the word for feint) and so she took me off to a room with a bed (a proper bed, with a duvet and everything) for the test. I felt a bit bad for causing trouble, but I have passed out after my last three blood tests, and I could feel the blood rush from my face a little bit, so it was probably better safe then causing a scene on the floor.
Though, when time came for the bill, I nearly fainted- because of the cost. The receptionist told me that it would be more expensive today because of the blood test... But it was 16200! Holy Moley! The worst thing was that I didn't bring my vouchers with me today, expecting it to be less than the the usual 4000 (because I didn't think I would see the doctor), and didn't want to waste my coupons. I think they might have only given me 3000 off anyway, so I suppose it is no biggie. But I was still shocked, and lesson learned. Not to mention an important wake up call about how much this baby will really cost. Still super happy to be pregnant, but I suppose I should enjoy the days of my shop bought frappuccinos while I still can.
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