Thursday 15 June 2017


Huge things have been happening over the last few months. Huge things that have, unfortunately, led us away from Japan and back to OZ.

Raising a child in Japan is amazing. There are many wonderful things about Japanese society. Our neighbourhood had a real community feel, the childcare system (if you can get into it) is super affordable and teaches kids some important skills, and we found the people in Japan so warm and welcoming. People look out for each other.

Now that our little Pi is getting older, (3), we started to look more into the future than we had before. Japan is an amazing place to live, and the times when I was either single there (briefly, well over 10 years ago), and then with my husband were amazingly fun. And while we still had lots of fun as a family of three, it is so different when our priorities shifted. We realised that the most important thing in our, and his life, was family. With just the three of us there were many times we were without help. There were no 'couple nights' out, or free babysitting, or even just someone else close-by who loves our son us much as we do. I never met Husband's parents- they both passed when he was younger. My parents were great and would come to Japan twice a year (and we would go back to Australia once a year), and we skyped usually every week. But it's not the same. Pi would feel attached to them when they were here and then the closeness they built would fade- as is natural. The most important thing is to love, to be loved, and feel loved. We didn't want to deny our son that feeling.

We are all getting older, and we never know how much time we have together. We wanted to be there for my parents, and for my son to know them, and for us to spend many, many more years together.
We also wanted the Australian lifestyle- nothing about Pi is quiet or sedate. He needed a yard. He needed a variety of friends and cousins he could learn off. He needed beaches, parks with grass, and activites (Don't get me wrong, in Japan there are lots of activities, but in Yokohama there was often a waiting list). But most of all, we wanted to surround him with the love and support of a family.

We have been back in Australia for a few months now. Much has changed. I have returned to work full time, and Husband is a stay at home dad and is studying to become a Vet Nurse. I was really worried about Pi, but he has been taking it very well and settling in well. I've been having difficulties giving up my days with him. I miss him every moment. He really is my sunshine. I miss the days we would walk to the conbeni for some onigiri, or go to hang out in the local park.

If I get time I may write a few more posts about moving country for anyone else in a similar situation. Hints and tips- what NOT to do.... There have been so many costly regrets.

For me, Japan is amazing. If I could have Japan and all our family there, then I would. I suppose it is different if you have a Japanese partner with their family and friend base around to help. I miss it, and my friends. I miss my students, and neighbours, and the friendly people and amazing customer service. Japan will always be my second home, but we no longer have an Akachan in Japan. We have an Akachan in Australia.

Thank you all.