Wednesday 15 March 2017

Free daycare at city hall

The other day when I went to Tsurumi ward office I finally thought I would take Pi to the jidokan (play-space) they have there. Well, I thought it was a jidokan,  but it was actually an ichijihoiku (temporary daycare).  Before anyone gets too excited  it is just for visiting the office ( you can't really drop your kids off and leave the building). However, anyone who has been to city hall and waited in line for hours with a screaming toddler will appreciate how valuable the service is.
I was nervous at first that Pi wouldn't want to go, or would freak out,  but they had an insane amount of toys there that he didn't want to leave.
The ladies that worked there were very nice too.
So, if you live in Tsurumi I highly recommend it, and if you don't then hopefully your city office will have one too.
Certainly takes the stress out of going.

Tuesday 14 March 2017

Busy work

Looking to keep your little one entertained :
Daiso pipecleaners + colander = a cheap way to entertain for 10 mins.

Don't forget to save the pipecleaners for next time too.

Look at the concentration face