Sunday 30 October 2016

Machida Squirrel Garden

I am always looking for fun activities to do with Pete. While I was looking for a branch of the okonomiyaki chain that we like so much (okonomiyaki honpo- in case you were wondering), we discovered a place in Machida called "Machida squirrel garden". 

Though Machida it north-west of here it is technically in Tokyo. Driving to the squirrel park would take about an hour and 10mins from our house. Public transport isn't much quicker (in fact, about 10 minutes slower), however Pi loves trains so we decided to make a day of it and go via public transport. 

When you get to Machida, take bus 53 or 55 from Machida Eki bus stop to Yakushiike (薬師池). It takes about 14 mins on the bus and costs 240yen. The bus drops you off almost outside (just a teensy walk down the hill before you see big pictures of squirrels at the entrance).

Kids under 3 are free. Adults were 400yen each. Once inside, there are a few cages with other types of squirrels, guinea pigs, rabbits, chipmunks and a patagonian mara of all things. The last was a bit depressing to see in a small cage. You can buy a small saucer of lettuce leaves and carrots for 100yen and feed the guinea pigs and rabbits. Pi loved doing this. 

After that, you can enter the big squirrel enclosure. A small bag of sunflower seeds is 100yen. They provide oven mits (kids and adult sizes) to wear so the squirrels don't scratch you (and also a host of other reasons). There is a fenced off area but the squirrels will happily come up to you (one even jumped on my leg). We go there about midday and though a lot of the squirrels were settling down for a nap, or too full, we still found plenty to feed. 

They are skittish, but friendly enough

Pi loved it, but took a minute or two to get used to the squirrels.

Over the road there is a beautiful park too- which I highly recommend checking out: Yakushiike Park. We ate hot udon in the gardens- it was lovely! Going to the park too certainly makes a nice day of it. 

The pro's and cons of the squirrel park:

Entry was cheap
The main squirrel enclosure seems nice, and if I were a squirrel I would be very happy living there.
The animal feed is cheap too.
They employ special needs staff.
Pi loved it!

There was a bit of overcrowding of the guinea pig cages
Some of the cages at the start were a little depressing- but my husband and I get easily depressed by animals in small cages.

For more information:,139.4500186,15z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0xfb901826db30cd3?sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjc3MPaqITQAhWDyrwKHfRoAEsQ_BIIggEwDw