Friday 4 September 2015

Pichan's Holiday Book

Our holiday is over now and already fading away into a distant memory. Pichan had a great time (future post of flying with a 15month old coming soon), but is super glad to be home. 

One thing I did before we left, was I made him a "Pichan's holiday" book. It is a story book filled with photos that tell the story of his holiday- from start to finish.

I included everything I thought relevant.

From the packing (and later repacking) of the suitcases
To taking trains and planes (there and back) and inside the aircraft.
To pictures of Nanna and Poppy, and their house, and the room we will be sleeping in.
I also made a little countdown night calendar in the story (top right)- the idea was to cross off one night at the end of each day so he could see time progressing- but we got distracted and didn't really pull out the book again until we were at the airport ready to go home. 
I finished the book with a photo of our house and then his bedroom so he could see we were coming back.

Did it work to make his transition easier? I thought maybe? But his reaction when he got home to his toys was one like: "I thought I would never see this again. My boat! I love my boat! Ahh, this thing! and that book!" so maybe he had no idea that he would be coming home and ever seeing his stuff again. 

Either way, it wasn't too difficult to make (just made in word, with photos pasted in it, and then cut out and glued onto cardboard, then stapled). For the trip next year I will make one again, and as he will be just that little bit older he will probably understand what is going on a bit more.